Welcome to our ‘Italian Literature’ page, created for lovers of Italian culture but also for ‘culture deniers’ like myself!
Mini-Book Club: I promessi sposi
Over the summer months, we’re reading Alessandro Manzoni’s romantic blockbuster ‘I promessi sposi’.
Anyone is welcome to read along with us and to comment/share their progress with other club members on our ‘Mini-Book Club’ page for this title.
For those who’d like to read the original, this novel is out of copyright and so available free online. Visit the ‘Mini-Book Club’ page for links to where you can find it, and other resources.
Or why not BUY our, very short, very simplified, ‘easy reader’ ebook? Click here to view it in our online shop and download the free sample chapter.
Don’t forget, the whole point of a book club is to interact with others reading the same book as you. You can share your opinions and ideas on the Mini-Book Club page by scrolling to the bottom and completing the comment form. Comments will be moderated (to prevent spam) so may not appear immediately. An email address is required but will not be published .
Go to: Mini-Book Club: I promessi sposi
Mini-Book Club: La coscienza di Zeno
In the second half of June, we’re reading Italo Svevo’s ‘La coscienza di Zeno’.
Anyone is welcome to read along with us and to comment/share their progress with other club members on our ‘Mini-Book Club’ page for this title.
For those who’d like to read the original, this novel is out of copyright and so available free online. Visit the ‘Mini-Book Club’ page for links to where you can find it, and other resources.
Or why not BUY our, very short, very simplified, ‘easy reader’ ebook? Click here to view it in our online shop and download the free sample chapter.
Don’t forget, the whole point of a book club is to interact with others reading the same book as you. You can share your opinions and ideas on the Mini-Book Club page by scrolling to the bottom and completing the comment form. Comments will be moderated (to prevent spam) so may not appear immediately. An email address is required but will not be published .
Go to: Mini-Book Club: La coscienza di Zeno
Mini-Book Club: I Malavoglia
In the first two weeks of June, we’re reading Giovanni Verga’s tale of a hard-working family of Sicilian fisherfolk.
Anyone is welcome to read along with us and to comment/share their progress with other club members on our ‘Mini-Book Club’ page for this title.
For those who’d like to read the original, this novel is out of copyright and so available free online. Visit the ‘Mini-Book Club’ page for links to where you can find it, and other resources.
Or why not BUY our, very short, very simplified, ‘easy reader’ ebook? Click here to view it in our online shop and download the free sample chapter.
Don’t forget, the whole point of a book club is to interact with others reading the same book as you. You can share your opinions and ideas on the Mini-Book Club page by scrolling to the bottom and completing the comment form. Comments will be moderated (to prevent spam) so may not appear immediately. An email address is required but will not be published .
Go to: Mini-Book Club: I Malavoglia
Mini-Book Club: Uno, nessuno e centomila
From mid-May, with no fixed timetable, we’re reading Luigi Pirandello’s disturbing tale of a privileged young man who begins to question his identity.
Anyone is welcome to read along with us and to comment/share their progress with other club members on our ‘Mini-Book Club’ page for this title.
For those who’d like to read the original, this novel is out of copyright and so available free online. Visit the ‘Mini-Book Club’ page for links to where you can find it, and other resources.
Or why not BUY our, very short, very simplified, ‘easy reader’ ebook? Click here to view it in our online shop and download the free sample chapter.
Don’t forget, the whole point of a book club is to interact with others reading the same book as you. You can share your opinions and ideas on the Mini-Book Club page by scrolling to the bottom and completing the comment form. Comments will be moderated (to prevent spam) so may not appear immediately. An email address is required but will not be published .
Go to: Mini-Book Club: Uno, nessuno e centomila
Mini-Book Club: Le avventure di Pinocchio
From the end of April into May, with no fixed timetable, we invite you to read this classic children’s story and to comment/share your progress with other club members on our ‘Mini-Book Club’ page for this title.
For people who want to read the original, it’s available free online! 36 short chapters should be manageable for many of you, though the language is archaic in places.
Or you could BUY our, very short and simplified, ‘easy reader’ ebook, which also has audio. Click here to view it in our online shop and download the free sample chapter.
Whichever version you choose, remember, the fun of a book club is interacting with others and sharing opinions and ideas. You can do that on the Mini-Book Club page by scrolling to the bottom and completing the comment form. Comments will be moderated (to prevent spam) so may not appear immediately. An email address is required but will not be published or used for other purposes.
Go to: Mini-Book Club: Le avventure di Pinocchio
Book Club: ‘Il nome della rosa’ di Umberto Eco
In April 2020 we read the original Italian version of Umberto Eco’s bestseller ‘Il nome della rosa’.
Club members were encouraged to buy a copy of the book, which is still in copyright so not available free online.
We provided FREE OF CHARGE, a simplified ‘riassunto’, written by one of our regular ebook writers, for anyone who wanted to follow the discussions but didn’t manage to get hold of their own, official copy of Eco’s story.
You can still join the discussion of both the original text (and/or our ‘riassunto’ for learners of Italian) by clicking on the relevant page (links below) and leaving a commment.
- Book Club: ‘Il nome della rosa’ di Umberto Eco: READ ME FIRST!
- ‘Il nome della rosa’ – Nota introduttiva
- ‘Il nome della rosa’ – Capitolo 1 – L’abbazia
- ‘Il nome della rosa’ – Capitolo 2 – Come un labirinto
- ‘Il nome della rosa’ – Capitolo 3 – Nello scrittorio
- ‘Il nome della rosa’ – Capitolo 4 – Il sangue dei maiali
- ‘Il nome della rosa’ – Capitolo 5 – L’aiuto bibliotecario
- ‘Il nome della rosa’ – Capitolo 6 – La biblioteca di notte
- ‘Il nome della rosa’ – Capitolo 7 – Uno strano libro
- ‘Il nome della rosa’ – Capitolo 8 – La risata
- ‘Il nome della rosa’ – Final Comments
Dante e la Divina Commedia
For each Canto you’ll find a short extract or extracts from the original text along with explantions in modern Italian and an English translation.
Canto I | Canto II | Canto III | Canto IV | Canto V | Canto VI | Canto VII | Canto VIII | Canto IX | Canto X | Canto XI | Canto XII | Canto XIII | Canto XIV | Canto XV | Canto XVI | Canto XVII | Canto XVIII | Canto XIX | Canto XX | Canto XXI | Canto XXII | Canto XXIII | Canto XXIV | Canto XXV | Canto XXVI | Canto XXVII | Canto XXVIII | Canto XXIX | Canto XXX | Canto XXXI | Canto XXXII | Canto XXXIII | Canto XXXIV
Don’t miss new episodes as we publish them. Join our club! (It’s free…)