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A1 – Beginner/Elementary Italian Lessons
01: Articles
02: Plurals
03: There is/There are
04: Verbs in the present tense
05: Like – Piace / Piacciono
06: Adjectives
07: Adverbs
08: The Past
09: Direct and indirect pronouns
10: Prepositions
11: Reflexive verbs
12: The Impersonal Form With ‘Si’ (part 1)
A1 – Beginner/Elementary Italian Listening Practice
Agenda del giorno 1/ Daily diary (A1), ordering exercise, transcript
Agenda del giorno 2/ Daily diary (A1), transcript
Agenda della settimana / Weekly diary (A1), gap-fill exercise, transcript
Aggettivi dimostrativi (deittici) / Demonstrative adjectives (A1), transcript
Aggettivi possessivi / Possessive adjectives (A1), transcript
Aggettivi qualificativi / Qualifying adjectives (A1), transcript
Appartamento / Apartment (A1), multiple-choice exercise, transcript
Articoli determinativi / Definite articles (A1), transcript
Articoli indeterminativi / Indefinite articles (A1), transcript
Avverbi derivati da aggettivi (avverbi in ‘mente’) / Adverbs with ‘-mente’ (A1), transcript
Avverbi generici / Generic adverbs (A1), transcript
C’è/ci sono / There is/there are (A1), transcript
Casa / House (A1), multiple-choice exercise, transcript
Cercare il lavoro / Searching for a job (A1), multiple-choice exercise, transcript
Che o cui? / What or whom? (A1), transcript
Comparativi (maggioranza, minoranza, uguaglianza) / Comparatives (majority, minority, equality) (A1), transcript
Comparativi e superlativi irregolari / Irregular comparatives and superlatives (A1), transcript
Discorso indiretto / Reported speech (A1), transcript
Domanda o affermazione / Question or statement (A1), ordering exercise
Essere e avere / To Be or To Have (A1), transcript
Famiglia 1/ Family (A1), gap-fill exercise, transcript
Famiglia 2/ Family (A1), transcript
Fattoria agricola / The Farm(A1), transcript
Hobby (A1), true/false exercise, transcript
Identikit (A1), gap-fill exercise, transcript
Lettere C e G/ Letters C and G (A1), grammar explanation, gap-fill exercises
Natale in Italia / Christmas in Italy (A1), gap-fill exercise, transcript
Nazionalità / Nationality (A1), transcript
Negozi (fare shopping) / Shops (doing shopping) (A1), multiple-choice exercise, transcript
Orologio / Clock (A1), gap-fill and multiple-choice exercises
Passato prossimo dei verbi irregolari / Passato prossimo of irregular verbs (A1), transcript
Passato prossimo dei verbi regolari / Passato prossimo of regular verbs (A1), transcript
Piace/non piace a fare / Like/don’t like to do (A1), transcript
Piace/piacciono / To like (A1), transcript
Plurali irregolari / Irregular plurals (A1), transcript
Prenotazione / Booking (A1), gap-fill exercise, transcript
Preposizioni semplici e articolate / Simple and articulated prepositions (A1), transcript
Presentazione 1/ Presentation (A1), multiple-choice exercise, transcript
Presentazione 2/ Presentation (A1), transcript
Presentazioni / Presentations (A1), gap-fill, multiple-choice and true/false exercises
Presente indicativo dei verbi irregolarli / Present indicative of irregular verbs (A1), transcript
Presente indicativo dei verbi regolari / Present indicative of regular verbs (A1), transcript
Professioni / Professions (A1), transcript
Quartiere (descrizione) / District (description) (A1), transcript
Quartiere (mappa) / District (map) (A1), gap-fill exercise, transcript
Situazioni quotidiane / Everyday situations (A1), multiple-choice exercises
Superlativi (relativo e assoluto) / Superlatives (relative and absolute) (A1), transcript
A1 – Beginner/Elementary Italian Grammar Explanations
A or in?
Articoli / Articles
Avverbi / Adverbs
C’è/ci sono / There is/there are
Forma “Lei” / The “Lei” form
Forma passiva / Passive form
Passato prossimo / Present Perfect
Piace / Piacciono
Plurali / Plurals
Pronomi / Pronouns
Verbi – introduzione/ Introduction to verbs
Verbi regolari / Regular verbs
Verbi riflessivi / Reflexive verbs
Verbi utili / Useful verbs
A1 – Beginner/Elementary Italian Exercises
Aggettivi / Adjectives
Aggettivi e contrari / Adjectives and antonyms
Articoli 1 / Articles
Articoli 2 / Articles
Articoli 3 / Articles
Articoli 4 / Articles
Articoli 5 / Articles
Avverbi / Adverbs
C’é o ci sono – 1 / There is o there are
C’é o ci sono – 2 / There is o there are
C’è o ci sono – 3 / There is o there are
Cibi 1 / Food
Cibi 2 / Food
Collega domande e risposte 1 / Match questions and answers
Collega domande e risposte 2 / Match questions and answers
Collega domande e risposte 3 / Match questions and answers
Colori / Colors
Data / Date
Descrivere l’aspetto / Describing the appearance
Fine settimana al mare / Weekend on the seaside
Forma di cortesia / Polite form
Lavori / Jobs
Mestieri / Crafts
Numeri 1 / Numbers
Numeri 2 / Numbers
Numeri (da 1 a 100) – 1 / Numbers (from 1 to 100)
Numeri (da 1 a 100) – 2 / Numbers (from 1 to 100)
Numeri (da 100 a 1000) / Numbers (from 100 to 1000)
Numeri (da 1000 in su) / Numbers (from 1000 up)
Oggetti in classe / Objects in the classroom
Particelle pronominali – riordina le frasi / Proniminal particles – put in order the phrases
Participio passato – verbi irregolari 1 / Past Participle – irregular verbs
Participio passato – verbi irregolari 2 / Past Participle – irregular verbs
Participio passato – verbi regolari / Past Participle – regular verbs
Passato prossimo 1 / Present Perfect
Passato prossimo 2 / Present Perfect
Passato prossimo – coniuga il verbo / Present Perfect – conjugate the verb
Passato prossimo essere o avere / Present Perfect to be or to have
Passato prossimo – riscrivi le frasi / Present Perfect – rewrite the phrases
Piace o piacciono / To like
Plurale dei nomi – 1 / Plural of nouns
Plurale dei nomi – 2 / Plural of nouns
Plurale dei nomi – 3 / Plural of nouns
Plurale delle parole – 1 / Plural of words
Plurale delle parole – 2 / Plural of words
Plurale irregolare / Irregular plurals
Plurale regolare / Regular plurals
Preposizioni / Prepositions
Preposizioni – a o in / Prepositions – a or in
Presente indicativo 1 / Present Simple tense
Presente indicativo 2 / Present Simple tense
Presente Indicativo 3 / Present Simple
Presente indicativo – coniuga il verbo / Present Simple – conjugate the verb
Presente indicativo – verbi irregolari / Present Simple – irregular verbs
Presente verbi irregolari / Present tense irregular verbs
Presente verbi regolari / Present tense regular verbs
Presente verbi riflessivi / Present tense reflexive verbs
Prime frasi utili / First useful phrases
Professioni 1 / Professions
Professioni 2 / Professions
Pronomi diretti 1 / Direct pronouns
Pronomi diretti 2 / Direct pronouns
Pronomi indiretti / Indirect pronouns
Riordina le frasi 1 / Put in order the phrases
Riordina le frasi 2 / Put in order the phrases
Scegli il verbo giusto / Choose the right verb
Scegli la parola giusta / Choose the right word
Scegli l’opzione corretta / Choose the correct option
Scuola / School
Stanza di albergo / Hotel room
Strumenti in cucina / Tools in the kitchen
Verbi e parole / Verbs and words
Verbi impersonali / Impersonal verbs
Verbo ESSERE / Verb TO BE
Verbo AVERE / Verb TO HAVE
A1 – Beginner/Elementary Italian Vocabulary
Alberghi / Hotels
Aspetto 1 / Appearance
Casa e dei contenuti / Home and contents
Cibo / Food
Colori / Colors
Cucinare / Cooking
Descrivere cibo / Describing Food
Ferie / Holidays
Frequenza / Frequency
Giorni / Days
Indicazioni / Directions
Luoghi di lavoro / Workplaces
Mesi / Months
Meteo / Weather
Nazionalità / Nationalities
Negozi / Shops
Nomi 1 / Nouns
Numeri 1 / Numbers
Numeri 2 / Numbers
Numeri Ordinali / Ordinal Numbers
Preposizione di luogo / Prepositions of place
Professioni 1 / Professions
Professioni 2 / Professions
Quantità / Quantity
Salute & malattie / Health & illnesses
Sapori d’Italia / Tastes of Italy
Scuola & studiare / School & studying
Stagioni / Seasons
Tempo / Time
Termini geografici / Geographical terms
Verbi 1 / Verbs
Verbi 2 / Verbs
Verbi di routine / Routine Verbs
Vestiti / Clothes
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