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A2 – Pre-Intermediate Italian Lessons
13: Present Progressive Tense
14: Past Tense, Other Aspects
15: The Imperative
16: The Imperfect Tense
17: The Future Simple Tense
18: Conditional Present
19: Subjunctive Present
20: Pronominal Verbs
A2 – Pre-Intermediate Italian Listening Practice
Cagnolino ritrovato / Puppy found (A2), gap-fill exercise, transcript
Carattere / Character (A2), multiple-choice exercise
Cercare un lavoro 1/ Look for a job (A2), multiple-choice exercise, transcript
Cercare un lavoro 2 / Look for a job (A2), transcript
Condizionale presente / Conditional present tense (A2), transcript
Fare la spesa / Grocery shopping (A2), transcript
Fare prenotazioni / Making reservations (A2), transcript
Fornaio / At the baker’s shop (A2), true/false exercise
Fruttivendolo / At the greengrocer’s (A2), true/false exercise
Futuro semplice / Simple future tense (A2), transcript
Gelateria / At the ice cream parlour (A2), multiple-choice exercise
Giornata brutta / Bad day (A2), gap-fill exercise, transcript
Giorno delle vacanze estive / A day in the summer vacation (A2), true/false exercise, transcript
Gita a Roma / Trip to Rome (A2), gap-fill exercise, transcript
Imperativo / Imperative (A2), transcript
Imperfetto / Imperfect (A2), transcript
Indicazioni stradali / Directions (A2), transcript
Medico / At the doctor’s (A2), gap-fill and true/false exercises
Pianista e compositore – Giovanni Allevi / Pianist and composer – Giovanni Allevi (A2), true/false exercise, transcript
Prenotazione all’Hotel Madrelingua / Booking a room at the Hotel Madrelingua (A2), multiple-choice exercise
Preparare una buona pasta / Preparing good pasta (A2), ordering exercise, transcript
Regali di Natale / Christmas Gifts (A2), multiple-choice exercise, transcript
Regalo / Gift (A2), multiple-choice exercise, transcript
Ristorante / At the restaurant (A2), gap-fill and multiple-choice exercises
Studiare arte / Studying art (A2), true/false exercise, transcript
Televisione / Television (A2), gap-fill and true/false exercises
Università della Terza Età / University of the Third Age (A2), gap-fill exercise, transcript
Vacanze estive / Summer vacation (A2), transcript
Verbi riflessivi / Reflexive Verbs (A2), transcript
Viaggi / Trips (A2), questions, transcript
Viaggio a Parigi / Trip to Paris (A2), transcript
Visita dal dottore / A visit to the doctor (A2), transcript
Vita da piccola / When I was small (A2), transcript
Volontaria in Africa / Volunteering in Africa (A2), multiple-choice exercise, transcript
A2 – Pre-Intermediate Italian Grammar Explanations
Aggettivi e avverbi / Adjectives and adverbs
Aggettivi possessivi / Possessive adjectives
Condizionale – come si usa ? – Video / How to use the conditional tense?
Condizionale semplice / Simple conditional
Congiuntivo presente / Subjunctive present tense
Consonanti doppie / Double consonants
Futuro semplice / Simple future tense
Imperativo diretto / Imperative form (informal)
Imperativo indiretto / Imperative form (formal)
Imperfetto / Imperfect
Pronomi diretti al passato prossimo / Direct pronouns in the Present Perfect
Stare + gerundio / -ing form
Uso intransitivo e transitivo di un verbo / Transitive and intransitive uses of a verb
Verbi irregolari / Irregular verbs
Verbi modali al passato prossimo / Modal verbs in the Present Perfect
Verbi pronominali FARCELA e ANDARSENE / Pronominal verbs FARCELA and ANDARSENE
A2 – Pre-Intermediate Italian Exercises
Abbreviazioni / Abbreviations
Aggettivi possessivi 1 / Possessive adjectives
Aggettivi possessivi 2 / Possessive adjectives
Andarsene / To go away
ANDARSENE o FARCELA – completa le frasi / ANDARSENE or FARCELA – complete the phrases
Articolo – con o senza? / Article – with or without?
Aspetto fisico / Physical appearance
Carattere / Character
Città italiana / Italian city
Città vs. Campagna / City vs. Countryside
Comparativo e superlativo di bene/male e buono/cattivo / Comparative and superlative of good/bad
Condizionale presente / Present tense of the conditional
Condizionale – progetti per l’estate / Conditional – plans for the summer
Congiuntivo presente / Subjunctive present tense
Contrari 1 / Antonyms
Contrari 2 / Antonyms
Corpo umano / Human body
Cucina / Kitchen
Cultura italiana / Italian culture
Dialogo disordinato / Disordered dialogue
Essere o avere? / To be or to have?
Farcela 1 / To succeed, manage
Farcela 2 / To succeed, manage
Frasi disordinate / Disordered phrases
Futuro semplice 1 / Simple future tense
Futuro semplice 2 / Simple future tense
Futuro semplice 3 / Simple future tense
Futuro semplice 4 / Simple future tense
Futuro semplice 5 / Simple future tense
Imperativo / Imperative form
Imperativo – completa i dialoghi / Imperative – complete the dialogues
Imperativo formale e informale / Imperative form formal and informal
Imperativo indiretto / Imperative form (formal)
Imperfetto 1 / Imperfect
Imperfetto 2 / Imperfect
Imperfetto o passato prossimo 1 / Imperfect or Present Perfect
Imperfetto o passato prossimo 2 / Imperfect or Present Perfect
Imperfetto o passato prossimo 3 / Imperfect or Present Perfect
Mezzi di trasporto / Means of transport
Parti del corpo / Body parts
Passato prossimo dei verbi riflessivi / Present Perfect of the reflexive verbs
Preposizioni 1 / Prepositions
Preposizioni 2 / Prepositions
Preposizioni 3 / Prepositions
Preposizioni articolate / Compound prepositions
Preposizioni semplici / Simple prepositions
Presente, passato prossimo e imperfetto / Present Simple, Present Perfect and Imperfect
Pronomi / Pronouns
Riordina il dialogo / Reorganize the dialogue
Scegli l’opzione corretta 1 / Choose the correct option
Scegli l’opzione corretta 2 / Choose the correct option
Segni zodiacali / Zodiac signs
Stare facendo / -ing form
Stare + Gerundio / -ing form
Trova gli errori / Find the errors
Uso del condizionale / Use of the conditional
Verbi al condizionale / Verbs in the conditional
Verbi e pronomi al passato prossimo / Verbs and pronouns in the Present Perfect
Verbi irregolari / Irregular verbs
Verbi modali al passato prossimo / Modal verbs in the Present Perfect
Verbi pronominali al presente / Pronominal verbs in the Present tense
Verbi riflessivi / Reflexive verbs
A2 – Pre-Intermediate Italian Vocabulary
Animali 1 / Animals
Aspetto 2 / Appearance
Bicicletta / Bicycle
Carattere / Character
Casa / House
Città contro Campagna / City vs. Countryside
Esprimere opinioni / Expressing opinions
Familia / Family
Feste e Vacanze / Festivals and Holidays
Inviti / Invitations
Mani / Hands
Mezzi di trasporto / Means of transport
Parti del corpo / Body parts
Piedi / Feet
Regioni italiane / Italian regions
Salute / Health
Televisione / Television
Zodiaco / Zodiac
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Linda Cooper says
I think your programmed answers for il future simplice are incorrect. They do not include the ò for first person singular or à for third person singular. Please double check these.