Today’s free Italian lesson is on conjunctions and linkers, which are extremely useful but don’t excite me much this Monday morning. However, here’s the link. Decide for yourself. Lesson 48: Conjunctions and Linkers (Or find it on our Italian Lessons Homepage along with the previous 47 lessons in the series.) What IS ringing my bell is our […]
How will help you learn Italian in 2013
Felice Anno Nuovo ..from all the team at 2012 has been a great year for us, and we have big plans to help you learn Italian in 2013. Another year over… Thanks to the hiring of our first paid staff member, and to a team of enthusiastic undergraduates doing work experience placements, 2012 saw […]
Cast a Spell on your Italian!
It’ll soon be Halloween in Italy, too. The local kids’ll be dressing up as witches and wizards, making even more noise than usual, and stuffing themselves with candy. And marketing departments will be bombarding us with pumpkin-branded seasonal offers (see below). But witches and wizards are a once-a-year event no longer. Harry Potter mania […]
The Online Italian Club has moved!
Your Online Italian Club, with all the free Italian exercises, courses and so on, plus the forums, has moved! Our new home is at: (a much nicer area than where we lived before!) As always when moving house, there’s sure to be lots of confusion: things get lost or don’t work any more, […]