The e-book “The Tenses You Need To Speak Italian” is finally ready! For students of Italian from beginner to intermediate level this is a complete run through of the tenses you need to actually speak and understand the language, plus exercises to practise with. 112 page .pdf with 9 audio files (for the listening exercises) […]
How will help you learn Italian in 2013
Felice Anno Nuovo ..from all the team at 2012 has been a great year for us, and we have big plans to help you learn Italian in 2013. Another year over… Thanks to the hiring of our first paid staff member, and to a team of enthusiastic undergraduates doing work experience placements, 2012 saw […]
Does Spending More Mean Getting More?
OK, so say you decide that self-study has its limitations and you begin to evaluate Italian courses in Italy. Should you go for a group course, or shell out more for individual lessons personalised according to your needs? In this post, we’ll give you the pros and cons of each! When to choose a group course […]
Choosing Italian Language Schools in Italy: Free Checklist!
If you want to, or have to, learn Italian, and so are evaluating Italian language schools in Italy, you’ll soon realise that there are many, many schools out there. And once you’ve looked at a few websites, they all begin to look identical. So how can you choose between the numerous Italian language schools […]
How To Avoid A Study-Abroad Disaster
You’re reading this because you’re interested in learning to speak Italian. And everyone knows that the easiest way to learn a foreign language is to go to the country where it is spoken, and study there, right? Wrong. What may at first be seen as a fantastic opportunity, a holiday of a lifetime, does […]
Learn Italian with Jane Eyre!
The Internet is a wonderful thing for language learners… if you know how to exploit it. Here’s an idea for advanced level students which, in a few weeks, will help you: improve your grammar expand your Italian vocabulary understand spoken Italian better read Italian with more confidence speak with more natural pronunication completely free […]
How to learn a foreign language (even if you’ve never done it before!)
Confessions of a Language-school Director You may be surprised to hear this, from pen of a language teacher, but by the age of 23 I had already tried, but completely failed, to learn at least four foreign languages. By 23, I had succeeded in learning… well, almost nothing at all, of how to communicate […]