Today’s free Italian lesson is no. 50 in our series and features the relative pronouns ‘che’ and ‘cui’. There’s a brief explanation and two exercises, an easier one and a harder one. But amazingly, I got full marks on both! So there’s hope for me yet. And for you, too, of course. One day, Cinderella, […]
Free Italian Lesson On Subjunctive Imperfect
Monday is a public holiday in Italy. April 25th is the anniversary of the liberation of Italy (from fascism) on the same day in 1945. Here’s a photo to get you in the mood. It’s taken from the Italian Wikipedia page and shows the partisan’s victory parade in my home city of Bologna. Yet another reason […]
Shopping dialogue, e-book offer reminder and more articles
Today’s Italian dialogue with transcript is set at the greengrocer’s, that is to say ‘fruttivendolo’ in Italian. Here’s the link: Shopping, Fruttivendolo As usual, I’ll remind you that all of the conversations in our present series are linked to from the Italian Conversations homepage. Another reminder regards our latest Italian easy reader publication, ‘Nuovo Cinema […]
Learn Italian Articles, New Conversation, & E-Book Reminder!
I’ve lots to tell you today. First of all, you might be interested to know that our Italian school in Bologna is running its popular annual promotion in this period. If you’re planning to study Italian in Italy at any point over the next twelve months, here’s how to save 20% on your course. Poi, […]
Hundreds Of Italian Verbs To Learn, And One Great Way To Remember Them
Ever noticed how so many Italian verbs have a common root with English verbs and so may have the same or similar meanings? Yesterday I was looking at the Italian Verb Conjugator on this site (acutually I was tidying up the messy formatting, it’s much neater now) and I was struck by just how many there were […]
Does Spending More Mean Getting More?
OK, so say you decide that self-study has its limitations and you begin to evaluate Italian courses in Italy. Should you go for a group course, or shell out more for individual lessons personalised according to your needs? In this post, we’ll give you the pros and cons of each! When to choose a group course […]
Choosing Italian Language Schools in Italy: Free Checklist!
If you want to, or have to, learn Italian, and so are evaluating Italian language schools in Italy, you’ll soon realise that there are many, many schools out there. And once you’ve looked at a few websites, they all begin to look identical. So how can you choose between the numerous Italian language schools […]
Is Skype killing language schools?
“Ormai” (good word that. It means “By now”) the Internet has become mundane. Booking a flight or shopping online is no longer the adventure it once was. And we rely on the web for free resources and information in a way which would once have been science-fiction, but is now unremarkable. But progress means […]
The “Fastest Way to Learn Italian”?
Search for “learn Italian” in today and you’ll find an advert at the top of the page, above the “real” search results, for a service promising a “Fun and Easy way to learn Italian”. Fun and easy is good, but better still the advert follows with: “Try Keewords today. It’s Free!” Click on […]
Best Online English-Italian Dictionary?
Sometimes, whatever they tell you about guessing the meaning of words you don’t know from context, you just really, really need a good “bi-lingual” dictionary. Years ago, when my wife and I regularly did translation work, we invested a big chunk of our meagre earnings in what was surely the most comprehensive English/Italian Italian/English […]