Today we publish our first easy-reader e-book of short stories. And, it being Monday, there’s another free lesson in our series. But first things first. Want to practice the Italian future tense? A politician, a child in hospital and a prisoner are just a few of the fascinating characters imagining what the future holds for […]
Archives for May 2016
Mica another long, boring lesson from
If the title of this article didn’t make any sense to you, then great! Because today we’re taking a look at ‘mica’. It’s a friendly little word, often heard in speech, but one which can cause confusion because of its various meanings. The lesson includes a brief explanation and two short exercises. Lesson 41: Mica | Italian Lessons […]
Very short lesson today!
Advanced Italian courses usually comprise a quick overview of the grammatical areas you should already have covered, along with a collection of tricky bits and pieces that are typically included in top level exams so as to catch people out. We cover one such detail in today’s free lesson. It’s not the sort of thing you’d want to spend […]
Uses Of The Infinitive & New ‘Book Of The Week’ Offer
Today’s free Italian lesson follows on from the work we’ve been doing on participles by taking a look at the various uses of the infinitive. Here are the links: Lesson 39: Uses Of The Infinitive Italian Lessons homepage Poi, I have a new ‘Book Of The Week’ offer for you. An easy-reader e-book that we […]
Free Past Participle Lesson & ‘Roma Città Aperta’ Reminder
To start with a reminder, the launch offer on our new Italian easy reader ‘Roma città aperta’ ends on Sunday evening. The movie (not our simplified e-book version) was shot while WW2 was still going on, though obviously after the liberation of Rome itself, and was restored by Cineteca, in my now home city of […]
Free Italian Lesson On Present And Perfect Participles
I have had SO many arguments with Italians about the ‘gerundio’, and now I realise why! In English a ‘gerund’ is a verb moonlighting as a noun. For example in the sentences ‘I like swimming’ and ‘Swimming is good exercise’. In the first case the verb is ‘like’ and swimming is the object or complement. In […]
‘Roma città aperta’ Easy Reader + Lesson On Pronominal Verbs
Published today, our new Italian easy reader: ‘Roma città aperta’! Plus, brush up your pronominal verbs with the latest in our series of free Italian lessons. But first things first. Our latest Italian easy reader e-book is a moving masterpiece of Italian neo-realism, set in WW2 Rome. ‘Roma città aperta’ tells the story of how resistance […]
Free Online Italian Lesson On Linkers (And A Video To Watch!)
Today’s free online Italian lesson covers ‘linkers’, that is to say conjunctions, adverbs and so on which have the function of linking two phrases. For example: “I love you because you tolerate my snoring.” Needless to say, there are a whole bag of these to get to grips with. But don’t be put off just […]
Out today: No. 34 In Our Series Of Free Italian Lessons!
Out today is no. 34 in our Italian lessons series, and it surely is one for you grammar fiends! Myself, I gave up about a third of the way through – life’s too short. But hey, if this is your thing, enjoy! Here are the links you’ll need to torment yourself with past participles, auxiliary […]
Lesson On Italian Adjectives + New ‘Book Of The Week’ Offer
Hope everyone had a good weekend! It was warm and sunny here in Bologna but the forecast is for cooler, wetter weather over the next ten days. So perfect for studying Italian. And here, right on cue, is the next lesson in our series of free Italian lessons. Today we’re taking a look at adjectives, their […]