If the title of this article didn’t make any sense to you, then great!
Because today we’re taking a look at ‘mica’.
It’s a friendly little word, often heard in speech, but one which can cause confusion because of its various meanings.
The lesson includes a brief explanation and two short exercises.
Lesson 41: Mica | Italian Lessons Homepage
What else?
Many thanks to Leonard, who was kind enough to write this review of our current ‘Book Of The Week’:
“Caccia all’autografo” is a fast moving story about a young man trying to obtain a famous singer’s autograph for his girlfriend; but he has many hurdles to overcome in order to achieve his objective. I looked at the free first chapter and straight away I placed an order to buy the little book because I wanted to see what was going to happen. I read it in one sitting and got the gist of the story. No, I did not understand every single word, but enough to understand the story. I will now go over it a few time with my dictionary. I think that this is the best way to increase your vocabulary quickly, understand sentence structure, and learn or improve your grammar. BUT THIS WAY YOU ENJOY DOING SO! This is another first class little reader!
The offer ends on Sunday.
- Buy the full version this week for just €4.99
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And on Monday?
Something new: our first easy reader of short stories, by a talented new writer!
Watch this space.