I’ve spent several hours tidying up the explanation, audio and exercises making up our latest free Italian lesson, which today is on the Italian imperfect tense. As a result, and because it’s back to work today after the Easter break, I’m rather pressed for time and enthusiasm. Hence, a much-shorter-than-usual article this morning. Click here for today’s free […]
Archives for March 2016
Glitch with OnlineItalianClub.com Easter Offer now corrected!
Apologies to everyone who was affected by the glitch with our Easter Offer coupon code: easter monday 20% flash offer By mistake I set it to give a discount of €20, instead of a 20% discount. The consequence was that people buying 10 online Italian lessons, normal price €150, were charged €130 instead of the […]
New Free Italian Lesson & ‘Flash Offer’ 20% Off Everything!
Today’s free Italian lesson is on the Italian imperative form. There are explanations of the direct (informal) and indirect (formal) imperative forms, there’s a (very short) listening, and there are three interactive exercises to do. Having worked through all of it yesterday, I now know why I find imperatives so confusing…. Click here for today’s […]
Just another Friday, and another free Italian lesson!
It’s Good Friday and a public holiday in the UK, where I originate from. Except in Italy, where I live now, it isn’t. Easter here is on Sunday (a big meal with relatives, of course). And Monday’s a national holiday. So, I’ve a badly-needed long weekend to look forward to. But today, unfortunately, is just […]
A nice easy tense, but not as useful as it looks…
OK, today we start the next level in our free Italian lessons series, and man, is there some heavy grammar on the horizon… I’ve therefore decided to start with something easy, partly because I’m in a holiday mood, and also so as not to put you off! Today we’ll be looking at the Italian present […]
Italian grammar lesson on ‘Si’, plus Book Of The Week offer
Ciao a tutti. It’s the first day of ‘primavera’ – finally the winter is over, and not a moment too soon! Better still, there’s a period of holiday coming, so I’ll have more time to work on free materials for learning Italian. Tomorrow, I’ll be preparing a new series of free Italian lessons at A2 […]
Did you know that Italians say ‘suicide yourself’?
A depressed Italian might threaten to ‘suicide herself’ (suicidarsi), which sounds rather absurd in English… Today’s free Italian lesson is on reflexive verbs – the ones ending in ‘si’ – which are much more commonly used in Italian than in English. The example above, with ‘suicide yourself’, is from the lesson. Click here to see the […]
Free Italian Lesson On Prepositions & Italian Reader Offer
Here I am again, this time plugging our new Italian easy reader, ‘La cicatrice‘ (The Scar). Download your free sample chapter to see what it’s about. Then, if the level’s good for you, get the full version from our online shop (at the special first-week price of just €7.50!) Visit our online shop | Browse e-books […]
Latest Italian Easy Reader, Plus A New Grammar Lesson!
Buon giorno a tutti! Today we’ve published our newest Italian easy reader, and it’s on offer this week at €7.50 instead of the regular easy-reader price of €9.99. Here’s the blurb from the shop (it would be on the back cover, but e-books don’t have one…) Pier Velotti is the technician in charge of the landing system […]
Italian Lesson On The Past, Some News, An Offer & A Reminder
Lots to tell you this morning, so I’ll use an old teachers’ trick and do it in reverse order. That way I won’t risk losing your attention right at the beginning! Lastly then, don’t forget the ‘Book of the Week’ offer on our easy-reader / e-book version of the classic Italian movie, ‘Ladri di biciclette‘. Get […]