Lots to tell you this morning, so I’ll use an old teachers’ trick and do it in reverse order. That way I won’t risk losing your attention right at the beginning!
Lastly then, don’t forget the ‘Book of the Week’ offer on our easy-reader / e-book version of the classic Italian movie, ‘Ladri di biciclette‘.
Get it at half the usual price, that’s just €4.99, if you buy by Sunday evening.
‘Ladri di biclette’ | Browse e-books | Visit our shop
Next, and before I remind you about the ‘Book of the Week‘, I mustn’t forget to mention that our sponsor school is having a special offer: ‘Take an Italian course, get an A1 or A2 CILS exam free!‘ Click that link to find out more.
The second thing I need to tell you is that Monday we’ll be publishing a new, B2-level graded Italian reader.
It’s called ‘La cicatrice’, which means ‘the scar’, and is – you’ll be unsurprised to hear – a thriller rather than a cosmetic surgery handbook.
Think nerdy computer guy gets embroiled in a plot, flees for his life, that kind of thing.
Yesterday I did the final proof-reading, while listening to the audio all the way through. As I worked, I had two thoughts: firstly, ‘I’m finding this quite difficult in places’ but then, ‘Actually, this is pretty darn good!’
Anyway, you’ll be able to judge for yourself on Monday, when I’ll be publishing the link to the free sample chapter.
So, good morning then. I have lots to tell you today. The first thing is that I’ve a new Italian grammar lesson for you.
It’s on the past and includes an explanation of the Italian past tense, three audios with transcripts, and a total of eight exercises!
If you’ve not studied the past in Italian before, or if you have, but still need some work before feeling totally comfortable with it, do take a look: Lesson 08 – The Past.
(Previous lessons in the series can be found on the Italian Lessons home page.)
Buon fine settimana.
A lunedì!