Someone wrote to me this week and mentioned that the B2 listening exercise she received by email was too hard. Could I please send something easier? OK, OK, perhaps I didn’t explain myself very well… Here at we commission young Italian teachers to produce exercises and so on, and publish them, one by one, […]
Archives for May 2015
Severed heads found in canal! (Final B2 Italian listening)
Nothing like a bit of gore first thing in the morning, and four severed heads recovered from an Italian canal is just the thing! But the report, subject of today’s B2 level Italian listening practice exercise, is not from the crime pages (cronaca nera – black reporting, in Italian). No, this is a ‘fine arts’ story, […]
Start with week right: Italian listening practice exercise!
With the whole of the week stretching ahead of us, Monday’s a great day for making ambitious plans, and taking those first small steps on the journey to achieving them. Yes, you really could improve your Italian. All you have to do is to get into the habit of studying regularly… which is, of couse, […]
How have Italians been affected by ‘la crisi’?
Learn Italian online with free listening comprehension exercises and transcripts from Today’s listening exercise is about how Italians have been affected by ‘la crisi’. (Mio dio, has it really been seven years??) Click this link to start improving your Italian listening skills (and to find out how life has changed in the ‘bel paese’…) […]
Want to know what the future holds?
I see you improving your Italian, a lot! Friends and relatives will be amazed. One day you’ll be able to express yourself with much less effort, and understand most of what you hear… You’ll be able to watch Italian TV and movies, and follow the conversation when you go out with groups of Italian friends! One […]
Today’s new upper-intermediate Italian listening exercise
However well you can speak Italian, if you can’t understand what others say to you in return, you’ll not get far. This is so obvious, it’s often overloooked, especially at lower levels. Listening more effectively means developing the skills to manage a rapid flow of input and deal with complexity and uncertainty. It’s not so […]
Into maths? You’ll love ‘Il festival della matematica’!
If you like maths, you’ll love ‘Il festivale della matematica‘, which is the topic of today’s free Italian listening exercise. Click here to listen. Or see all the listenings in the current series on our B2 (upper-intermediate) page. (Too hard? Find materials more suited to your current level in Italian here.) P.S. Just a ‘piccolo’ […]
Incredibile ma vero! (New listening and sample download)
E’ incredibile ma vero! At least according to our latest Italian listening exercise. What? So do the exercise and find out! Click here for today’s task Follow this link to explore all of our free materials for learning Italian P.S. Have you downloaded your free sample chapter of our new Italian easy reader yet? Just […]
New Italian easy reader (and 1st B2 listening task!)
Buon giorno a tutti! I’ve been busy over the weekend, preparing a new series of Italian listening comprehension exercises. They’re getting harder… today we begin a series of eight B2 (upper intermediate) level tasks. ‘Roba seria’! I’ll paste the link to today’s new exercise below, but first I want to mention our new Italian easy […]
This’ll separate the men from the boys!
Excuse the sexist idiom, but today I have for you one of my favourite types of listening comprehension exercise. That’s speaking as a teacher, of course. Students tend to hate this type of thing. You hear a series of short extracts, and the ‘harder than it sounds’ task is to identify who’s speaking. Is it […]