Excuse the sexist idiom, but today I have for you one of my favourite types of listening comprehension exercise.
That’s speaking as a teacher, of course. Students tend to hate this type of thing.
You hear a series of short extracts, and the ‘harder than it sounds’ task is to identify who’s speaking.
Is it a teacher addressing her class? A bank teller, talking about a new type of account? A jeweller trying to sell a diamond ring?
The trick, of course, is to relax and just try to pick out key words. Listen a few times. Form a hypothesis. Put down the answers you’re certain of, then listen some more and try to guess the remaining ones.
You get the idea.
Sorry we’ve got the same Italian woman reading all the extracts… It’s still an excellent exercise, though!
Got €7.50?
If so, resist the urge to spend it on cocktails or smoked salmon over the weekend.
Drink water and eats beans, but keep your cash for Monday when we’re publishing a new Italian easy reader!
This is a good one, a well-written and engaging story of a man who’s just trying to do his best for his child.
By giving you a reason to read and listen, the new reader will boost your confidence, help consolidate the grammar and vocabulary you’ve already studied, and create good learning habits: three essentials that will help push your Italian to the next level!
Watch this space on Monday for details.
Or check out our online shop to see the Italian easy readers already available.