Nothing like a bit of gore first thing in the morning, and four severed heads recovered from an Italian canal is just the thing!
But the report, subject of today’s B2 level Italian listening practice exercise, is not from the crime pages (cronaca nera – black reporting, in Italian).
No, this is a ‘fine arts’ story, we’re talking stone heads.
Click here to listen and to complete the text
You’ll find the others in our B2 series here.
And free materials, including listenings, at all levels here.
Buono studio!
News, news, news!
Firstly, we’re working on a major reorganisation of our content – which currently totals over 2000 pages and is nigh on impossible to navigate.
Thanks to the European Union’s wonderful Erasmus project, whereby European college students get to spend a period in another EU country doing work experience or studying at a foreign university, we have a keen young Latvian diligently reorganising everything.
You won’t be able to see the changes yet, but the idea is to have all the grammar on one page, all the listenings on another, and so on. Everything in alphabetical order and labeled by topic, level and exercise type.
Well, that’s the theory, anyway. See how we’ve done in a week or two when the work is completed….
Monday will hopefully see the publication of the latest in our ‘book of the film’ series of easy Italian readers.
The latest volume tells the story of the classic movie ‘Ladri di biciclette’, one of the first movies I saw after arriving in Italy way back in 1998.
According to Wikipedia:
“È tuttora considerato un classico del cinema ed è ritenuto uno dei massimi capolavori del neorealismocinematografico italiano”
It was one of the most emotionally affecting movies I ever saw, so it’s great to be publishing Giovanni’s faithful retelling of the story, which brought it all rushing back!
To find out more, I recommend the Italian Wikipedia page, which has the nicest pictures (but there’s also the English Wikipedia page, if you’re feeling lazy.)
And homework today is to memorise and practise the word ‘neorealismocinematografico‘.
And when you’ve done that, to drop it casually into your conversations so as to impress friends, relatives, co-workers, etc.
So that’s the news.
If you can’t wait until Monday for ‘Ladri di biciclette’, check out our shop for the easy Italian readers and online Italian lessons.