If you’re reading this article, you’re probably on the OnlineItalianClub.com mailing list, or someone you know is.
You may also be a member of our club, though the two things are not the same.
(It’s possible to sign up to receive articles from me by e-mail, but not join our club, and vice versa).
It’s likely you know, we offer masses of free material for learning Italian, open to everyone, members and non-members alike
But, between you me and me, the best stuff is in the “members only” area.
Members Only Area
The “restricted” area of the site has 6 free Italian courses organised by level.
You need to be logged in to use them. (Join here, log-in here.)
Once you’re in, you can improve your Italian by working your way gradually through the grammar, vocabulary, exercises, listening practice, and so on.
Or you could jump around like crazy, doing whatever takes your fancy!
Mica forbidden
Yup, that’s what I said.
There’s nothing to say you have to only study the material for “your” level.
There’s no restriction at all on what, or how, you study.
So why not jump around a bit? Especially if it keeps you motivated…
The important thing with learning a foreign language is to keep at it, to always be doing something, to not get de-motivated.
Insomma, you want to keep yourself interested. And jumping around a bit can help with that.
Mica difficult
True, there are some difficult (pointless) grammar structures covered at the higher levels, which you probably won’t want to bother with if you’re still at the “passato prossimo” stage.
But equally, there are some very interesting bits and pieces in the B2, C1 and C2 courses that students of any level can profit from.
That aren’t even difficult.
Especially some of the vocabulary stuff.
For example?
Well, you might be wondering what “mica” means… (at least I hope so, by now!)
It’s covered in the C1 (advanced) course in the Members Only area.
Click here: What does “mica” mean? (remember, you’ll need to be a member, and logged in to see it).
P.S. Monday there’ll be starting a special offer on all e-books in the OnlineItalianClub.com shop. For a few days you’ll be able to buy study materials at a generous discount! Watch this space for your discount code…
P.P.S. Wanna see Italy? Start here.
John Paloni says
Yes your right I’m a member of the club, but for me e’ difficile’ a trova in tempo per studia de piu ( I hope I got partly right 🙂 ), so your emails are my lifeline and from time to time login into the web site trying to do 5 to 15 minutes of reading and learning is excellent, keep up the good work.
Grazie Tanto
Daniel says
Thanks, John.
Try setting the home page of your usual browswer to an Italian newspaper website. That way, everytime you open your browswer you’ll see Italian, and that will help keep you in contact with the language…