Italian is not, basically a hard language. No, it’s not – really!
But there are certain things about it that might trip you up on your road to mastering it…
One such danger-zone is ‘pronomi combinati’, those impossible-looking combinations of phonemes (like ‘glieli’) which you might notice glued to the end of otherwise normal verbs…
One approach would be to do what I have been doing for the past 16 years – ignore them and hope they’ll go away.
Or you could be more courageous and read/listen to today’s ‘La grammatica ascoltata’. Go here for your grammar thrills (but pay attention to the pronunication.)
Done that?
Ottimo! So now you can check out the other recent texts in our pronouns series on the B1(intermediate) Italian exercises page.
Or if the B1 material seems intimidating, go do the simpler ‘La grammatica ascoltata’ listenings on the A1 and A2 pages.
Buono studio!
There are two new simplified Italian audio-books/readers available in our shop.
Il giocoliere (The Juggler) is a sweet story set in Bologna. A ‘studentessa’ has her purse stolen. It contains little in the way of cash, but she’s upset to have lost an old photograph which is precious to her. Download the sample chapter (in it, you’ll find a link to the whole version of the audio which you can listen to free online without even buying the book)
La crisis di mezz’età (The Mid-Life Crisis), tells the story of two friends who dream of starting a band as a way of taking back control of their conventional, office-worker lives… Check the level is right for you with this sample chapter – don’t forget to listen to the audio too!
Both new volumes are in the shop at -25% until this coming Sunday.
Getting into the habit of reading and listening in Italian will do much to boost your success with the language, so take this opportunity to stock up on some study materials which are a little different (and more fun) than the usual grammar or course books!
- Why not collect the whole series of simplified Italian readers/audio e-books?
- See other useful e-books for learning Italian such as the ‘Italian Workout!’ series & ‘The Tenses You Need To Speak Italian’
sergey says
Ciao Daniel!
Grazie mille per il tuo bel articolo sui pronomi combinati, l’ho letto e ascoltato col piacere. Ovviamente, c’è un piccolo errore nel testo: “…mio zio… non HA mai preparato… ”