Today’s free Italian lesson follows on from Wednesday’s, which was on ‘simple’ prepositions, with a list of the numerous ‘articulated’ (or ‘compound’) prepositions.
Here’s the link you need to read the explanation and do the exercises:
Lesson 53: Articulated (Compound) Prepositions
Or find both of them, and previous lessons in the series, on our Italian Lessons Homepage.
Plus, Friday wouldn’t be Friday without a final reminder for the current ‘Book Of The Week’ offer, which ends on Sunday..
If you’ve already seen the FREE sample chapter (.pdf), click here to get your copy of Aria di festa for just €4.99 (that’s half the usual easy reader e-book price!)
Or take a look at the FREE sample chapter (.pdf) first.
Our e-books are in .pdf format, which is readable on more or less any device and which can be printed.
Use the FREE sample chapter (.pdf) as a test to see if your smartphone, tablet, computer or e-reader opens it.
And if you click the link at the top of Chapter 1, you can listen to the audio of the entire story – free!
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