Today I have some material on Italian adverbs for you.
It’s part of our new series of online Italian lessons, which bring together previously published material in a way which will (hopefully, one day) make it easier to use.
So on the new ‘adverbs lesson page‘, you’ll find an explanation, some audios and an exercise.
Click here for Lesson 07: Italian Adverbs
Or view the series so far on our Italian Lessons homepage.
(By the way, if anyone has been waiting for the lesson on comparative and superlative forms, I decided to incorporate the material we have on those with Monday’s lesson on Adjectives.)
Don’t forget the ‘Book of the Week’ offer!
The ‘Book of the Week’ offer this week is our easy-reader / e-book re-telling of the classic Italian movie ‘Ladri di biciclette‘.
It’s our best-seller and is as good, or better, than anything in the shops. It would make a fine introduction to the movie itself.
And until Sunday night, it’s half price at just €4.99.
Sample chapter | Buy it now! | Browse e-books | Visit our shop