But first, many, many thanks to:
Anastasiya, Anne, Bernard, Brian, Chatzikostas, Cheryl, Chris, Christine, Conny, Dian, Efi, Ewa, Fran, Gosia, Graham, Jean, Josephine, Kara, Karen, Kaye, Larry, Linda, Linda Ann, Liz, Lizzy, Loma, Luba, Michael, Mike, Pat, Patricia, Patricia, Piotr, Raymond, Rich, Stefan, Tina, Toby, Valerie, & Warren
All of whom answered my plea for help yesterday.
Ragazzi, you surpassed my wildest expectations!
Mille grazie.
What were they helping with?
More about that on Monday.
Anyway, today I have an exercise on the use of participle and infinitive verb forms in Italian.
That should have them screaming in the aisles, I thought to myself.
But no, really, this is actually quite useful, in particular because the use of participle and infinitive clauses in Italian is very similar to English.
Here’s the link to the exercise:
Use of Participle and Infinitive Verb Forms
Or, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, here are links to Italian lessons on this topic:
Lesson 37 – Present Participle, Lesson 38 – Past Participle, Lesson 39 – Infinitive
Final Reminder: ‘Book Of The Week’
If you haven’t already added this week’s ‘Book Of The Week‘ to your e-book collection, here’s a final reminder!
The 50% discount ends on Sunday.
Imagine how BAD you’d feel on Monday morning if you missed it…
Obviously you should download the free sample chapter (.pdf) first to see if the level is good for you.
And then…
- Buy ‘il campo di papaveri’, just €4.99
- Other readers at the same level
- Easy readers at other levels
- Italian Grammar e-books
- Online Italian lessons
A lunedì.