Hey there! Just a quick one to let you know that OnlineItalianClub.com’s new e-book/audio package has just been released. It’s called… ITALIAN WORKOUT! A1 We wrote it for beginners, or for those at a higher level who’d like to give their elementary grammar and vocabulary a workout! Italian Workout! A1 replaces our old A1 e-book […]
What’s Your Level In Italian?
I’ve just added an Italian level test to OnlineItalianClub.com – 40 multiple choice questions, just the thing for a frosty Saturday in March! Also, don’t forget, today is the last day of the special price on our E-book/Audio package “The Tenses You Need To Speak Italian“: today half price at €9.99, tomorrow full price at […]
New stuff on OnlineItalianClub.com this week…
What’s new at OnlineItalianClub.com this week? Well.. we have a video on how to use the conditional, which I promise you is MUCH more entertaining than it sounds (it’s in Italian, but really easy to follow). There’s also a write up of the Italian regions, basic knowledge that Italian kids learn at elemntary school, but […]
Italian Vocabulary Exercises for Christmas (& new listenings!)
Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo from OnlineItalianClub.com! Today’s La Vigilia di Natale (Christmas Eve in English) so, of course, we have some”Christmas-themed” free Italian exercises for you to do! There’s a reading comprehension, two Christmas Italian vocabulary exercises, and a crossword (see link at end of this post). Which reminds me, my (Italian) wife is […]
More Free Italian Listening Comprehension Exercises
Ciao! We’ve only been producing free Italian listening comprehension exercises for a month or so, but already that page has become one of the most popular on the site, with over a thousand views in the last thirty days (that’s NOT including the exercises themselves!) You may have already taken a look but new […]