Buondì. The article below, quite a long way below, after the +++, was published this time last year (now two years ago!) So given that I’m busy with the January Sale (scroll down to the very end for details), I thought I’d give myself a break today – there are also dishes to do from […]
Archives for December 2021
How much do you want to improve your Italian in 2022?
Buondì. (This article was first published at this time two years ago, during the January Sale, then again last year! So if it sounds familiar, you’ll know why! I’ve added progress updates, in italics, so you can see how I got on with my own learning over the last 12 months. For your own purposes, […]
2022 January Sale Starts Today: 20% Off Everything!
Buondì. And how nice that it’s a normal Monday, after the festive weekend (and before the next festive weekend…) The shops are open, the kids are slumped in front of the TV in their pajamas, and everything is well with the world. Except, it’s NOT a normal Monday. Because today we have the start of the […]
Impress friends and family with Italian festive greetings!
Buondì. I was up early this morning, to ride my motorbike across the dark city, to the hospital where they take the blood samples that are required every fortnight so as to regulate the dose of the latest molecule which the medics assure me will serve to keep these articles coming each Monday, Wednesday and […]
Why you should apply ‘system thinking’ to language learning
Buondì. Just a few minutes ago I pressed ‘send’ on an email which is part of our Italian school‘s annnual ‘Save 20%’ promotion. What that involves, basically, is publishing an article on the school website, then copying the text into an .html document, formatting it correctly, saving the file, accessing one of our two mailing […]
It’s almost ‘January Sale’ time! / The ‘new normal’
Buondì. A super-quick and very commercial article today – sorry about that, but we have people to keep in their jobs, and it hasn’t been an easy period… Next Monday, so Dec. 27th 2021, our January Sale begins. For the week between Christmas and New Year, and the week after that, you’ll be able to […]
Is language-learning dying? Or is it just websites?
Buondì. The last year and three-quarters hasn’t been ‘normal’ at all, I think you’d agree. Which makes it particularly difficult to work out what’s going on with the club website, and with the other websites we run. During the lockdowns, we had some of our best ever numbers, and lots of participation (for example, in […]
Half-Price eBook of the Week: ‘Giallo a Capodanno’, £3.99!
Buondì. OK, a quick announcement regarding the club’s online shop, which has now become ‘shops’. EasyReaders.org, which until yesterday sold both ebooks and online lessons, will in future concentrate ONLY on ebooks. Whereas the online lessons (Italian mostly, but also Spanish, French and German) are now being offered through a new website, the aptly-named, NativeSpeakerTeachers.com. […]
Ever thought of doing an Italian course in Italy?
Buondì. Ever thought of doing an Italian course in Italy? I mention it because the reason I’m late this morning, and the explanation for this article being more or less the shortest I’ve EVER written, is that I’ve been busy launching our Italian school’s seasonal promotion. Anyone booking a group Italian course (so not individual […]
No one’s going to do it for you
Buondì. I’m doing lots of new stuff at the moment, trying to reorganise my businesses so that, should I fall paralysed to the floor, as happened in September, my wife and kids won’t have to. Half of yesterday was spent trying to transfer ‘products’ and ‘comments’ from one website to another. I spent hours on […]