Buondì. I’ve nothing to sell you this week. Deliberately as there’s far too much teaching and other stuff going on. Besides my ninety-nine million online classes, it’s also the end of the month, which comes around all too regularly! Anyone who runs or has run a small business will know that the end of the […]
Archives for November 2020
My Italian teacher said… (the usual unquestioned nonsense)
Buondì. I feel a rant coming on, though it’ll have to be a brief one as I have a conversation lesson starting shortly (Friday mornings is Turkish!) Yesterday’s first (now online) English lesson was a fantastically-fun group of three teenage girls, by which I mean that they are stimulating to interact with and, with a […]
Don’t like reading? Read this, at least.
Buondì. I’m not feeling well today. Also, it’s rather cold in my house. And I have to plan and teach two online lessons later. So I’m going to cheat! David left a comment on the club website to the effect that: “This would have to be one of the most helpful, comprehensive and sensible pieces […]
“Leave it in the back porch” & Half-price Ebook of the Week
Buondì. This week we’re not publishing anything new, but have a half-price ‘Ebook of the Week’ for you. What this means is that, for a week only, we reprice one of our older ebooks, so something that you may not have seen, at £3.99 instead of the usual ‘easy reader’ price of £7.99. The idea […]
The unfamiliar? (Becomes familiar.)
Buondì. First week of online teaching of groups (which I would otherwise have met face-to-face, in an actual classroom): completed! Monday was terrifying, and intensive, Tuesday better, Wednesday hard work. Thursday was tiring, but ultimately satisfactory. The final class of the week was what used to be my only class – until my erstwhile colleague […]
Late for the future
Buondì. As mentioned on Monday, this week I’ve been forced by the virus restrictions to shift my English teaching (six groups of Italian kids and three of adults) entirely ONLINE. We spent the weekend setting up Zoom classes, and worrying how they would work out. Monday was stressful, with three groups to teach using this, […]
Can true friendship between a man and a woman really exist?
Buondì. I’ll keep this one super-short, as the rules have changed in the part of Italy I live in and all the classes I teach have to be shifted online, starting today! Which means I have to learn how to use Zoom, and how to keep groups of kids interested for ninety minutes without the […]
Totally messed that up!
Buondì. Yesterday evening I taught an English class, and totally messed it up. I say ‘totally’ because I could feel it slipping rapidly into the abyss DURING the class, rather than reflecting on it afterwards and realising that I could have made better decisions, which happens often. The kids I was teaching reacted differently from […]
Making hard learning choices: the good news!
Buondì. Back in the first lockdown – it would have been March, or maybe April – my hitherto rather sedentary wife chose to leave her couch and Netflix subscription in order to participate in an (outdoor, distanced) exercise class, run by one of our neighbours, a newly-unemployed gym instructor. There was some fuss about what […]
“Let’s save Italian language training from bankruptcy”
Buondì. I hate translating, in particular because it reminds me of my younger days when I would take on any job that paid, teach anyone that wanted teaching, translate anything that needed translating, no matter how pointless or badly written. However, and as I used to tell my kids when they were small, sometimes you […]