Buondì. In the month or so since I became a poet (see the P.P.S for my latest effort), no one has yet asked me for my autograph. A problem that Golden-Globe winning, Academy-Award nominee Johnny Depp doesn’t have. And by an amazing coincidence, there he IS! On the cover of this week’s half-price Book of […]
Archives for April 2019
Club members now outnumber residents of Anzola dell’Emilia!
Buondì. Wednesday’s article ‘Join 3,035 other subscribers‘ had the desired effect, like big time! Thirty-eight more people subscribed to EasyItalianNews.com (and why not? It’s FREE!) If you haven’t got around to it yet, take a look at the ‘Subscribe’ page to see what’s required. Basically, just type in your email address and wait for an […]
“Join 3,035 other subscribers”
Buondì. I’ve two quick things to write about today, the first being… Have you listened to yesterday’s FREE EasyItalianNews.com bulletin, yet? If not, you really should. Regular reading and listening in Italian, even if you don’t understand much, will reinforce the other things you do (your Italian class, self-study, etc.) and help you build essential […]
Scrubbing the decks & nautical-themed Book of the Week Offer
Buondì. I got up promptly this morning, knowing I needed to write something for the club before spending an hour or two tidying up our little sailing boat, which we’ve neglected all winter. But then… I had no idea what to write, which is rare, as I am by nature a person with lots of […]
Happy Easter, Kiss Your Parents’ Feet!
Buondì. And Buona Pasqua! Though you should note that here in Italy, Venerdì Santo (Good Friday) is a religious holiday but not a national one, that is to say, it’s a normal working day. Most of Europe is closed, but not Italy. My bank has been warning me for a month that any transactions I […]
What to do after falling off your bicycle
Buondì. A short one today, as I have a busy morning ahead (a job interview!) And in fact, it’s been a busy period since, when? Mid- to late-March, when we had our Spring Sale, which was a lot of work. Then after that I was writing some poems – I’m now waiting for some ideas […]
Thirteen point four six percent of my life
Buondì. I was looking at visitor stats for the club website this morning, which got me thinking statistically. I recently reached the ripe old age of fifty-two. If memory serves correctly, (that’s a fairly big ‘if’) I registered the domain ‘OnlineItalianClub.com’ back in 2012, so seven years ago. Since then, the calculator on my laptop […]
Psst! Wanna join an exclusive club?
Buondì. No, not THAT sort of exclusive club, silly! I was listening to a marketing podcast yesterday evening, and the interviewer made some remark to the guest along the lines that normal people these days (so you and I) get served by algorithms such as voice mail or A.I. (artificial intelligence) systems rather than by […]
Dante’s selling like hot cats & Easy Italian News reminder
Buondì. Dante, gatto vagante is selling like hot cats, I mean cakes. Thanks to everyone who’s supported the club by buying a copy. I hope you’ll find the material engaging. In the end, that’s more or less all that matters with langauge learning – managing to stay interested in the long term, over the months, […]
Dante sets off on his misadventures. And two more FREE poems!
Buondì. Dante il gatto vagante of course, not Dante the writer who died in 1321. I published the free sample chapter on Friday, you’ll remember. Several people wrote to say they liked it. Download it here (.pdf) if you missed it. ‘In via eccezionale’, because we’re talking cats here, which I know is a very […]