Today I have two more exercises from the stash of bits and pieces that I’m hoping to integrate with our recent Italian Grammar Lessons series. These two exercises are both worth a look but are probably of greater relevance to those of you who’ve been studying Italian for a while: Masculine or feminine? Irregular nouns […]
Archives for July 2016
Let’s Go To The Circus! (& 3 More Italian Grammar Exercises)
Let’s go to the circus, it’s been years since I’ve been! The last time was in Newquay, Cornwall. My dad paid for us to take the kids. It was raining, as I remember, but we had a great time anyway… But this is an Italian circus, so sure to be superior (if a little mysterious…) […]
Three More Italian Exercises, And A New Easy Reader!
Buon giorno a tutti! Today, I have three more Italian grammar exercises for you, and details of our new easy reader! As I mentioned last week, I’m now working on tidying up our recent Italian Lessons series, specifically, finding a home for all the various bits and pieces on our site that need to be […]
Five Free Exercises On Italian Prepositions
I’m back to working on our Italian Grammar Lessons series, a never-ending task it seems! The first job is to format all of the exercises not yet done, and ideally to find a home for them in one of the existing 54 lessons… Perhaps you’d like to help? Below are links to five exercises on […]
‘Learn Italian Without Studying’ & Italian Regions Listenings
Buondi! This morning, I’m linking to an article on the ‘other’ website, plus we have some more listenings for you to do. Roberto Gamberini is an Italian teacher, based in Rome I think. I’ve never actually met the guy, but I am always happy to publish anything he writes, as his stuff is so good. […]
More Free Listenings, And The New ‘Book Of The Week’!
Before I forget, ‘Happy Independence Day’ to all club members in or from the USA! And for those of you north of the border, a belated ‘Happy Canada Day’ for last Friday. I think I’m a bit late for Australia day (Jan. 26th) so we’ll skip that. And probably the less said about the ‘United’ […]
Eleven More Italian Audio Tracks: ‘A Day In The Life Of…’
Following on from Wednesday’s post, in which I linked to a series of new audio tracks on Italian festivals and public holidays, today I have something similar for you, also from the new website. Take a look at these eleven listenings on the theme ‘Un giorno nella vita‘ (‘A day in the life of’). To get […]