Here’s the latest in our series of A2 (pre-intermediate) level Italian listening comprehension exercises. We’re getting a lot of new people joining our club right now – if that’s you, benvenuto/a! We hope you find our free materials useful, and that you’ll want to join in the conversations that (occasionally) take place amongst our members, […]
Archives for July 2014
Second A2 Italian listening exercise
Apologies for the time that’s flowed under the bridge since the last article – it’s holiday time, which means days spent away from a reliable WiFi connection… Today’s exercise A nice, simple-looking task for you today. Which of the two options was chosen for the birthday gift? Careful! Like many tasks of this type, there […]
New Italian listenings at A2 level, and a reminder…
Buon giorno, o buon pomeriggio per chi di voi si trova in Australia… Time zones are a pain – we have loads of readers down under, for whom it’s already afternoon. And plenty in America who will still be fast asleep as I write this at breakfast time in Italy. So, it can be tricky […]
Final A1 (elementary) Italian listening comprehension
This is the last in the current series of five elementary-level Italian listening exercises. Hope you’ve found them useful. Next, we have five original, free exercises at A2 (pre-intermediate) level. Then five more at B1 (intermediate). So you’ll be able to measure your progress and hopefully see the good it’s doing you. Tell your friends: […]
Fourth A1 (elementary) Italian listening comprehension
Buona domenica a tutti! Yes, it’s OK to wish someone ‘Happy Sunday’, even on Saturday. Don’t ask me why… So, anyway, here’s the fourth exercise in our series of A1 (elementary) Italian listening comprehension exercises. If you don’t see the listening plugin or the image with the task, click here to view this article on […]
Third A1 (elementary) Italian listening comprehension
It’s not Friday, but it does feel like it, as I’m off to Rimini for the weekend and hope to get out into the Adriatic on our little sailboat, away from the tourists and the jelly-fish. Hope you’re planning something fun, too! Feel free to leave a comment and tell us what (plus feedback on […]
Second A1 (elementary) Italian listening comprehension exercise
Giorgio has three daughters, poor man. I have just two, but I can sympathize… Just think of how much he’ll be shelling out on smart-phones, hairdressers, and so on. But anyway, try today’s Italian listening comprehension exercise, which describes them. Listen as many times as you like until you’ve filled in all the details. There’ll […]
Why studying grammar and vocabulary is a waste of time
There’s lots of advice on the Internet on how to learn Italian. Often it covers how to memorize lists of words, or focuses on the weirder Italian grammar concepts. Sadly, a lot of what you’ll see is obvious, unhelpful or even just plain wrong. Studying grammar and vocabulary is a waste of time
A1 (elementary) Italian listening comprehension exercise
Presenting, a new series of 5 Italian listening comprehension exercises at A1 (elementary) level! This is the first, and a bit of an experiment. Hope you like it. For those of you who’ve been with us for a while and are far, far too good for this level, think of it as a way to […]
L’amore ai tempi di internet (final C1 listening with transcript)
Here’s the the last of our series of C1 (advanced) level Italian listening practice activities. It has an interesting title (L’amore ai tempi di internet), so has to be worth a few minutes of your time, even if your level in Italian isn’t advanced, yet. Listen a couple of times, without looking at the transcript, and […]