Just a quick one to let you know that, now the B2 series of Italian listenings has been completed, all of the material has been copied over to our B2 Italian Exercises page (along with the other material at the same level.)
Scroll down to find the listenings.
What about if you’re not quite up to the B2 material yet?
Follow these links to find the series of listening material we published previously at A1, A2 and B1:
So, if you’re new to this site, or if you’ve been lagging behind, that’s 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 ( = 32, right?) free Italian listenings, all with transcripts to study.
Buon lavoro!
Mrs. K. Burnell says
I have just been listening to your exercise A2/2 and was wondering why it was mattino and not
mattina? Also nove e mezzo and not mezza?
Am I missing something here?
Regards, K. Burnell.
Daniel says
My Italian expert says both forms are acceptable:
There’s probably more to it than that, but at least you know that it’s normal, rather than being a typo…