Back to work or school for a lot of us – che noia – so here’s our latest ‘Italian grammar listening’ to distract you:
Periodo ipotetico della possibilita’
The other articles in the series are to be found on our ‘free Italian exercises‘ pages, subdivided very approximately by level:
- A1 – beginner/elementary
- A2 – pre-intermediate
- B1 – intermediate
- B2 – upper-intermediate (the level of today’s text)
- C1 – advanced
- C2 – proficiency
Not sure where to start?
All listening/reading practice is good, so why not start at the beginning and work your way through the material a little at a time?
As you finish one level, go on to the next, but without hurrying.
You should notice a gradual but steady improvement in your ability to understand spoken Italian, and texts of course.
Plus an improvement in your vocabulary and grammar, and all without spending a euro cent….
That said, this site is funded by the sale of e-books, online Italian lessons and so on.
So here’s a reminder that our first ever FLASH OFFER started on Monday and is good until this coming Sunday.
With the voucher code 2015flashoffer, everything in our shop suddenly costs 15% less!
So this is an excellent time to try online Italian lessons or simplified audio-books as part of your Italian study program.
Use this code 2015flashoffer as many times as you wish between now and Sunday to save on:
- online Italian lessons
- simplified audio-e-books and our 5-level Italian Workout! series of self-study e-books
- our 5-lesson Italian writing course
Go here to visit our shop or here to read our FAQ.