There’s some tricky vocabulary in today’s ‘grammar listening’.
But don’t let that put you off.
The topic this time is the particella ‘si’, which is very common, and also very useful!
So, even if the text looks at first to be a bit complex, try to listen to the whole thing, maybe aiming just to get a sense of what it’s all about without worrying about difficult words.
You should find that it will get easier the second and third times you go through it. Each time you’ll understand more.
And of course, you’ll be fuelling up on invaluable examples of Italian grammar in context, read by a native speaker (thanks Stefi!)
So, ready to listen and learn?
Go here to read/listen to today’s ‘La grammatica ascoltata’ on ‘si‘.
You’ll find the others in our ‘pronouns’ series on the B1 page here.
And earlier, easier ‘La grammatica ascoltata’ material lives on our A1 and A2 pages.
John Thomson says
dov’è il mio bar?
Daniel says
Closed down by the Environmental Health Service this afternoon for selling dodgy brioche, John.
Sorry about that!
(Actually, there was a malware warning today that seemed to affect just that page – the only option seemed to be close it down, or risk it affecting the whole site. I’m currently awaiting technical support with this. Once the issue is resolved, we’ll think about what to replace your bar with, OK?)