It’s been a grey, wet Autumn week here in Bologna.
But today is lovely, with blue skies and bright sunshine.
I should have known when I saw yesterday’s sunset.
“Rosso di sera….buon tempo si spera” as they say in Italian!
And not coincidentally, today I have four exercises on Italian sayings for you.
They’re quite a high level, but there’s a range of exercise types.
So, worth a moment of your time, whatever stage you’ve reached with your Italian!
Buono studio!
Sayings – Matching Exercise
Sayings – Word Order Exercise
Sayings About Weather – Matching Exercise
Sayings About Food – Gapfill Exercise
You may have noticed that this week I haven’t been pushing our e-books or online Italian lessons.
In part, it’s because I’m been busy with the first week of our academic year.
As well as running this site and our Italian school, I also teach English to the Bolognesi…
But also, we had our sale quite recently, and next week there’s a new easy Italian reader coming out.
It’s from our ‘Day in the life of…’ series.
You’ll recall we’ve done Raffaello and Vivaldi recently?
Well, this time it’s Galileo, and it’s a really, really good one!
So do watch out for the launch on Monday, and for the special ‘first week’ discount!
Buon fine settimana a tutti.
A lunedì.