Buondì. I had a sympathetic email from Nancy in Tasmania yesterday, responding to Wednesday’s moan, in particular about my ecommerce order not having been shipped on time (it’s now on its way, they wrote this morning!) But, she said, American ecommerce vendors have had such difficulty getting stuff to Australia recently, that they’ve stopped even […]
Archives for October 2021
Everyone loved Monday’s tips (which is frustrating!)
Buondì. Monday’s article 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid / 1 New Easy Reader Ebook got a very good response, which is worrying, and to an extent, rather frustrating. View the comments to get an idea – “helpful and well explained”, “a bite-sized gem”, “really useful”. While as always there were few comments, I got dozens […]
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid / 1 New Easy Reader Ebook
Buondì. Our regular ebook writer, Francesca, obviously got fed up reading articles that were basically me moaning about emails from our shop containing download links occasionally not making it to buyers who insist on using unreliable ‘legacy’ email accounts for their purchases (there was another over the weekend, imagine the fun I had!) So she […]
How reliable is your email? / Ebook offer final reminder
Buondì. How reliable is your email? Well, you might answer, I’m reading this, am I not? Indeed you are, but that doesn’t mean you get to read every email that’s sent to you. Email providers use spam filters, to protect you from the mass of filth that’s pumped out by unscrupulous senders. I get hundreds […]
Don’t miss Sergio Leone, Ennio Morricone, and our new ebook!
Buondì. By way of promoting our new ‘easy reader’ ebook, ‘Per un pugno di dollari‘, here’s a heads up for any club memberss who find themselves in Italy right now (or who know how to avoid the ‘geo blocking’ software used to protect intellectual property such as movies…) The film, which our writer, Giovanni Galavotti, […]
David, check your spam! / Spaghetti Western Ebook 25% Off
Buondì. It’s frustating to hear from clients that they are disappointed that our teaching management team has been slow to contact them to organise their lessons. Especially when, actually, Lucia and Stefi, who do that work, have been absolutely on the ball. They emailed the customer, but got no reply, so waited a week or […]
As Italian as…?
Buondì. A quick one today, as I’ve had a busy week and am supposed to be taking it easy. Which is something I’m clearly not very good at, as evidenced by the fact that I had my laptop open on my hospital bed in the Stroke Unit a few weeks back – while I was […]
Are websites dead?
Buondì. Lots of people read these articles, which is gratifying. Sadly, not so many of you actually use the VAST SELECTION OF FREE MATERIAL I make available on the club website. Visitor numbers reached an all-time high during the 2020 lockdowns, which was nice, but since then it seems that people discover our club, sign […]
Do one small thing
Buondì. The Autumn/Fall Sale is over, thank goodness, as it’s been a lot of work for our team. And yet there’s no rest for the wicked, as they say. This week I also start teaching a variety of English classes (kids and adults) for our 30-week academic year, which will end at the beginning of […]
Just a few hours left of the 2021 Autumn Sale
There are just a few hours left of the 2021 Autumn Sale. Until the January Sale (which begins at the end of December) there will be no further chances to save 20% on the full range of ebooks and online lessons in the club’s online shop. Though we will have some new ebooks to look […]