Late again today, as I’ve been trailing around doctor’s offices, pharmacies and finally the CUP (an essential Italian acronym – Centro Unico Prenotazione – the place where you wait in line to book medical tests.)
It’s all routine stuff, so don’t bother to write to ask if I’m dying.
But it IS very time-consuming.
Sorry, then, if I’ve delayed your Friday morning routine…
Anyway, I’ve picked out two easy-ish listening tasks (old material but with new tasks added) for you to try.
Poi, a final reminder for this week’s “Ebook of the Week”, Rosa la cuoca disastrosa, which is proving to be very popular!
It’s ideal for beginners or near-beginners, while still being entertaining and valuable practice for everyone else!
Download the free sample chapter (.pdf) to get a flavour of it.
Then, and only until Sunday, get the full version for just £3.99.
Buon fine settimana.
A lunedì!