Today I have some exercises on comparative and superlative adjectives for you.
Plus there’s a new ‘Book Of The Week’ offer: 50% off an easy Italian reader e-book!
But first, three exercises from my ‘bits and pieces’ pile, those which still need to be integrated with our Italian Lessons series.
To my surprise it seems we don’t actually have a lesson or lessons specifically on comparative and superlative adjectives.
Lesson 6 – Adjectives has some listening material, while Lesson 33 – Type and position of adjectives is worth a look, too.
But no actual lesson on the Italian equivalent of ‘big, bigger, biggest’. Oops!
Oh well, that’s something else to add to my mile-long ‘to do’ list…
In the meantime, take a look at:
Comparatives and Superlatives – gapfill
Comparatives and Superlatives – ‘di’ or ‘che’? – gapfill
Comparatives and Superlatives – ‘relative’ or ‘absolute’? – dropdown
Book Of The Week!
This week’s half-price offer on an Italian easy reader e-book is ‘Cereo 12‘, which we published back in February.
The level is intermediate, B1/B2.
So I’d start by taking a look at the FREE Sample Chapter (.pdf) to see if the material is right for you.
But, wait!
Even if you think the text is going to be too hard, take a look at the sample chapter anyway.
Because at the top of Chapter 1 there’s a link to the audio of the entire story, which is available FREE online.
So, even if it IS too hard, at least you can listen to the first chapter while reading the text.
That’s excellent, free, practice! What’s to loose?
If you decide to carry on with the story, it would be helpful to buy the full version of the .pdf e-book (printable or readable on your smartphone, tablet or computer).
Of course, the full version of the text costs.
But for your €4.99 you get a glossary of difficult words and a comprehension exercise for each of the eight chapters.
Or you could just listen to the story right now, absolutely free of charge!
By the way, this is the same system we use for ALL OF OUR EASY READERS!
Every single one of them has a free sample chapter link.
And every single one of them has the full audio available online, for anyone to listen to as often as they wish, for free!
So go ahead, be my guest!
Pick out some easy readers at your level, look for the free sample chapter link, download it, click the link at the top of Chapter 1.
You’re reading, you’re listening, you’re learning!