Thanks to everyone who bought our latest easy Italian reader, ‘Aria di festa‘ during the promotion last week.
Your support is much appreciated, but more importantly enables us to continue making an excellent resource for students of Italian around the world!
If all goes well, we’re hoping to publish another easy reader next week, so watch out for news on that. In the meantime, there’s plenty to look at in our online shop…
So, moving swiftly along to today’s business, here’s a question for you.
When’s the one time that you needn’t worry about your spoken Italian?
When you can forget about your mixed-up grammar?
When having a terrible accent will make not a jot of difference?
When all you can do is grunt and nod?
Yep, you’ve guessed it.
It’s when you’re unfortunate enough to be sitting in the dentist’s chair.
Ragazzi, I have stories I could tell about visiting the dentist in Italy…
Wisdom tooth extractions, infections, shattered teeth. And that’s not to mention the cost!
But at least my Italian was never an issue, as long as I had a mouth full of surgical instruments that is!
Anyway, just in case you should need a cavity filled or a tooth extracted while visiting Italy, check out the latest dialogue + transcript in our Italian Conversations series.
It’s no. 18 – Problemi, Dentista.
Or view all the dialogues in the series.
Then go and clean your teeth…
More on Wednesday. Buona giornata!