On Friday, following a suggestion from Kathy in Alaska, I invited club members to recommend ‘other’ resources for learning Italian.
People posted their suggestions as comments on the article, or emailed them to me.
I’ve now spent a couple of hours sorting through the suggestions and compiling them on a new page on the club website:
Other Resources for Learning Italian
I’m sure it’s not by any means complete, so if your favorite podcast or app or online newspaper isn’t there, do email me the details so I can add it.
Beh, that’s more or less it for today, except just to say that Saturday 8th of December is a public holiday in Italy, which means no teaching for me, and a rare chance to travel!
From Friday thru Monday I’ll be visiting my daughter at university in Scotland, and though I’m sure they have internet north of the border, I can’t be sure I’ll be online regularly enough to speedily process ebook orders.
Hence, there’ll be no ‘Book of the Week’ offer this week.
Easy Italian News fans, please note that, because of the public holiday, there’ll be no Saturday edition.
A mercoledì, allora.
Do take a look at the new page and let me know if I’ve missed anything obvious…
Lynn Stewart says
You left off mangolanguages.com, which I had suggested. Maybe there was a reason, but if not, I’ll suggest it again because I really like it.. It’s available by subscription, or for free if you’re a patron of a library that offers it in the U.S.
Daniel says
See the new note on criteria for inclusion, Lynn:
CRITERIA FOR INCLUSION ON THIS PAGE: anything of potential use to club members. That is likely to exclude anything that is only a paid-service or product, for example a site which ONLY sells lessons with a teacher, or a book or course for sale on Amazon, unless there is a significant free component.