Here’s a little feedback on last week’s free Italian conversation sessions, from some of those who took part:
La sessione di questa mattina è stata molto interessante e divertente, grazie! Devo dire che è stata la prima volta che ho davvero parlato italiano. E voglio continuare! – Catarina
Ho appena finito la mia prima sessione webinar – fantastico il sistema ha una grande potenziale.Paolo e molto paziente e gentile. – John
Volevo dire il gruppo mercoledì con Paulo era molto interessante e divertente… anche se non mi sentivo bene gli altri parlanti qualche volta. Paulo ha parlato molto chiaro e forte. Era abbastanza facile capirlo. Grazie a Paulo chi si alzato molto presto per questa sessione con gli Australiani e gli altri. – Jo
If you’d like to practice speaking Italian with an teacher, and other students from around the world, register now for one of this week’s FREE sessions by clicking one of the links below:
As last week, we’re offering one session early in the morning (Italian time) which should suit you Australians.
There’s another in the evening (Italian time), which might work in America, where it will be lunch time or early afternoon, depending on where in the US you live.
Plus a lunchtime slot, which should be good for anyone here in Europe.
That’s three, free Italian conversation lessons this week. And of course, you can register for any one of them.
Please check the lesson times carefully. We’d appreciate if you DON’T register for a session which you will be unable to take part in, otherwise you are blocking someone else from doing so. Thanks!
How to sign up for your free online Italian conversation lesson
- Choose your session according to which is the best time for you.
- Click the link and fill in your name and email
- Look out for your confirmation e-mail which contains the link you need to click to participate
- On the day of the meeting, make sure your microphone and headphones are set up
- Click the link in the email you received and follow the simple instructions
Paolo will log in around 10-15 minutes earlier than the ‘official’ lesson start time. So, if you have doubts about the technology, or just want to say ‘ciao’, go ahead and log on a little earlier than the lesson start time.
This week we are only accepting registrations from up to 10 people for each session (30 in total). All 10 participants can share audio at one time, and the first six can also share video.
Register now for your FREE Italian conversation lesson!
“Parliamo in italiano!” on Tuesday, February 18, 8:00 AM (click here to register) log on from 7.45 AM
“Parliamo in italiano!” on Wednesday, February 19, 9:00 PM (click here to register) log on from 8.45 PM
“Parliamo in italiano!” on Friday, February 21, 1:00 PM (click here to register) log on from 12.45 PM
P.S. Paolo and other teachers are also available to help you learn Italian one-to-one. For more information: Online Italian lessons
Please note, at the moment we’re using the free version of, which is funded by adverts shown on your screen from login onwards. The system does NOT require you to download any software in order to participate in the free online Italian conversation lesson. At the time of the online session, just click the link in the email you receive and follow the instructions. If you see an advert with the words ‘Download’, that’s all it is, an ad. Feel free to click it if you wish, but it’s nothing to do with the lesson, for which no downloads are necessary!
Daniel says
You were up early, John! First to register this week, at 07.25 on a Sunday morning!
John Thomson says
D’accordo Daniel
Il nostro cane Sam ha avuto bisogno di andare nel giardino
Daniel says
Tell him not to drink so much beer on a Saturday night. That way he can sleep on a bit.
July Rice says
Sono molto contenta registrare per un nuovo conversazione Venerdì prossimo. Il ultimo incontro era veramente divertente, ma sono un po preoccupata che mai costa niente.
Anche sono delusa che tutti gli altri parlano meglio di me. Appara che io dimentico tutte le parole che so! Dopo, mi do un bel calcio!
Quindi, spero che la mia webcam funziona prossima volta. Penso che e importante, quando possibile, da vedere le persone con cui noi parliamo anche se la webcam “fisheye”non da un reflesso che rende piu bello.
A presto! July da Brandizzo dove noi abbiamo carnival questa pomeriggio – cosi rumoroso.
Does anyone keep a diary in Italian? Does anyone think writing one’s thoughts ultimately enhances fluency in speaking?
Daniel says
Absolutely, July. Writing in Italian is massively good for you!! And you write really, really well.
Can’t believe you’ll have any problems keeping up in the conversation lessons. Really, you mustn’t worry.
Beh, when I had been in Italy only about 4 years and still hardly spoke a word of the language, I signed up for an MBA at an Italian university. In Italian. I was the only foreigner out of 60 participants. Oh, the embarrassment… Still, they were all very nice about it, and I graduated in the end.
Matt says
I am fond of learning Italian,but I can’t speak any sentence from then on.I’m so shy of attendingthe cconversation.
Daniel says
It’s a reasonable fear, Matt. But maybe you’ll do better than you think? Or you could just listen…
Irina says
Irina says
Mi chiamo Irina e non so parlare Italiano…,…
Daniel says
Ciao Irina,
di dove sei?
Paolo Copparoni says
Ciao Irina e ciao a tutti!! non ti preoccupare se non parli bene italiano..puoi sempre partecipare alle sessioni di conversazione e parlare un pò con me e con altri studenti di italiano da tutto il mondo!!…o se non te la senti di parlare puoi anche solo ascoltare e fare cosi un ottimo esercizio di ascolto autentico!! anche la sessione di stamattina è andata molto bene…eravamo in 5 e a parte alcuni soliti piccoli problemi tecnici (normali per chi utilizza il sito per la prima volta) abbiamo fatto una bellissima conversazione…credo che le sessioni stiano andando sempre meglio…quindi..siete tutti invitati ad unirvi e parlare italiano insieme a noi!!! a presto