This morning I was checking on some of our other websites.
Not onlineitalianclub.com or easyreaders.org, which you’ll have heard of.
But the ones I mentally group as ‘in development’
What that really means is ‘neglected and unvisited’.
However two of these sites have some good, free stuff which should be of interest to anyone learning, or teaching, Italian:
This site is worth a visit just for the cute logo.
It’s part of a group of sites for learners of foreign languages (Italian, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Russian…)
There are fifty pages of material specifically aimed at beginners.
Check the menu on the right-hand side for grammar, exercises, vocabulary lists, listenings and dialogues.
The previous site is ‘finished but not very visibile’.
This second one, in contrast, really is ‘in development’!
Nevertheless, it has some nice listenings (with transcripts), which you won’t find at the club.
And you know what I say: all listening practice is good listening practice!
Check out, for example, the fourteen audios on ‘feste italiane‘, which take you all the way through the year from Christmas to All Saints.
The site has nine listenings on Italian regions, too. Don’t know what happened to the others…
But my favorites are the 11-audio ‘Un giorno nella vita‘ series.
Along with the 9-part ‘Il giorno migliore/peggiore della mia vita‘ series.
Do take a look!
Italian teachers – why not give your students different texts to study from one or more of these sets of material?
They listen, they study the transcript, then briefly summarise to the class or teacher what they have understood.
OK, so that should be enough to keep you all going over the weekend.
But if not, and still going with the theme of FREE, don’t forget that over at our new online shop there’s a free easy reader for each of our main languages:
- Il ristorante (Italian)
- El restaurante (Spanish)
- Le restaurant (French)
- Das restaurant (German)
- O restaurante (Portuguese)
These are free downloads.
Click the link for the language or languages that interest you.
Add the ‘product’ to your cart.
Then proceed in the normal e-commerce way.
As the total cost will be zero, no payment details will be asked for.
Finally, watch out for an email with the download link.
Once you’ve read your free easy reader, don’t forget to leave a review! This page tells you how.
What about for those of you who have already seen the free easy readers?
Visit easyreaders.org and just browse.
You’ll find that there are free sample chapters for everything, that means dozens and dozens of original stories and workbooks.
Also, the listenings are invariably available FREE online.
Just click the link in the sample chapter, listen to that, then keep listening to hear the entire story!
A lunedì.