Here’s the last of our A2-level Italian ‘grammar listenings’ from the ‘La grammatica ascoltata’ series.
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ A2-5, Verbi riflessivi
Today’s topic is reflexive verbs, as for example in the phrase ‘hurt yourself’, where you are both the ‘doer’ and the ‘done to’.
This is one area where Italian and English basically work in the same way. The only difference is that Italian seems to have MORE reflexive verbs than in English.
So, whereas in English you’d likely say:
‘I get up. I wash. I clean my teeth.’
In Italian, you’d certainly use the reflexive forms of the verbs:
‘Mi alzo. Mi lavo. Mi lavo i denti.’
The grammar is very simple, for English-speakers at least.
The problem is remembering to use it.
Which is where our ‘grammar listening’ comes in.
Plenty of examples reflexive verbs in context, which you can listen to (free) as often as you like!
Go here to listen:
‘La grammatica ascoltata’ A2-5, Verbi riflessivi
Or check out the other ‘grammar listenings in the series:
If you’d prefer a more ‘traditional’ approach to studying, take a look at our ‘Italian Workout!’ series of ‘teach yourself Italian’ e-books.
Each level contains grammar explanations, vocabulary lists, exercises, and even listenings!
Click the link for the level or levels that interest you and look for the free sample chapter.
- Italian Workout! A1
- Italian Workout! A2
- Italian Workout! B1
- Italian Workout! B2
- Italian Workout! C1-2