I’m up and posting early today as I’ll be busy the whole day working on one of those corporate training events at a lovely resort up in the Appennini near Bologna, where I live.
Sounds fun, huh? But the food will be good, at least.
Anyway, so here’s a quick email with today’s free Italian exercise.
It’s on ‘preposizioni articolate‘, which is a little light relief after the recent heavy conditionals and congiuntivo stuff.
Or check out our index page of Italian grammar exercises and lessons.
Please be aware that (as mentioned above) I’ll be away from the computer (any computer) all day today.
Any orders for ebooks, simplified Italian readers and the like received during the day will be processed this evening, and in any case within the promised 24 hours.
But probably not within the usual hour or so.
So, if you’re itching to spend some cash this morning, go right ahead. Visit our shop to stock up on great materials for learning Italian.
But don’t be surprised if they don’t begin their journey from my computer to yours until this evening…