Buon giorno a tutti!
Get today’s ‘grammar listening’, the first in a new series of 14 random grammatical bits and pieces, here.
Check out what’s coming in this series – three new texts a week over the next thirty days – on our A1 page.
The links on the A1 page will go live as each article is published – check your inbox on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays!
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Or would just prefer not to hear from me so often?
Nessun problema.
Look for the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email you receive, and click it.
Check the ‘unsubscribe’ option and you’ll be bothered no more.
Otherwise, see you Friday for the next in the series.
A presto!
As most of you are well-aware, this site is funded by the sale of e-books for learning Italian, and by offering online Italian lessons.
OnlineItalianClub.com ‘members’, whether or not they ever buy anything from us, get full and unrestricted use of hundreds of new texts and exercises each year.
These are written by professional Italian language teachers, who are paid for their work.
So far, this formula seems to be working out well!
We’ve had over a million page views since we began in 2012.
And in the twelve months that we’ve been publishing listening materials, our tracks on soundcloud.com have been heard more than 100,000 times.
Thanks then to all of you for using this site and for making it a success!
Double thanks to those who are improving their Italian while funding the site for everyone else by purchasing materials from our online shop….
End of today’s advert.