Today is the first day back after the holidays.
The kids are at home for another ten days, which complicates things, as there are lunches and so on to leave out.
And when I finally get to school, there’ll be meetings, deadlines, and a whole lot of catching up to do…
So, you’ll excuse me, I hope, if I take the lazy route this morning and publish the free sample chapter for our new easy Italian reader e-book, rather than exercises.
The level, in theory, is A1/elementary.
I say ‘in theory’ because, while the chapters are short and the grammar is restricted, there’s some quite complex vocabulary.
The glossary might help. You’ll find it below the text, before the comprehension exercise.
N.B. The audio link gets you the WHOLE STORY, not just the sample chapter. It’s free to listen to it all the way through as often as you wish.
Colpo di forbici – Sample Chapter
Capitolo 1 – Una coppia speciale
Listen to this story:
Antonio e Martina sono sposati da quarant’anni.
Loro conoscono le storie e i segreti di tutti gli abitanti del quartiere: tutti gli amori, tutti i tradimenti e tutte le scappatelle.
I due hanno una memoria eccezionale e un grande intuito per le storie d’amore.
Ma come fanno a conoscere i segreti di tutti gli abitanti del quartiere? Come possono sapere sempre cosa succede, senza sbagliare mai?
Beh, Antonio e Martina non sono due vecchietti normali…
scappatelle: high jinks
quartiere: neighborhood
sbagliare: to be wrong
vecchietti: little old people
Vero o falso?
- Antonio e Martina sono vecchi amici.
- Antonio e Martina non conoscono nessuno nel loro quartiere.
- I due hanno una memoria eccezionale.
- Sanno sempre tutto quello che succede.
- Sono due vecchietti normali.
Enjoyed that?
The actual sample chapter, which can be printed or read on more or less any device, is here (.pdf).
To buy the full version at 25% off this first week – just €7.49 – click here.
Or, if the level isn’t perfect for you, follow these links to browse our other e-books for learning Italian:
A1 readers | A2 readers | B1 readers | B2 readers | Other e-books
And don’t forget, if self-study is not your thing, you could take one-to-one Italian lessons via Skype with a club teacher.
Details are here.
A mercoledì!