Spring in Italy is ‘gita’ time, as anyone with teenage children knows.
My eldest daughter is off to Tuscany with the school – they’ll stay in a hotel, walk in the countryside and see the sites.
But ‘gite’ are not just for the young, as today’s free Italian listening comprehension exercise will make clear.
Listen to the announcement about next week’s Rome trip, and fill in the gaps. Then scroll down to check your answers.
Go here to give it a try.
Then catch up with the other exercises in this series.
Or browse the free materials for learning Italian at other levels.
If you’ve been paying attention this week, you might have noticed an advert for a new Italian site for beginners called dontspeakitalian.com.
From next week we’ll be flagging up some of their new materials for you – Italian grammar explanations, exercises, listenings and so on.
But if you ‘don’t speak Italian’ but would like to start, no need to wait until then… Click here.
Karen says
This was a useful one for me. I still havent got an automatic ear on for numbers and have to think about them far too much so the more I hear them the better, thanks
Daniel says
You’re welcome. Practice makes perfect, no?