Nineteen-eighty-four may have been a gloomy year for George Orwell’s characters, but for me and my mates it was the year we discovered pubs.
Not yet eighteen, but near enough to get away with it, a whole new world opened up on Saturday nights.
My first drink was in the Turk’s Head.
Later we ranged further: the beer was better in the White Hart.
And once I’d passed my driving test, with the keys to my mum’s bright-yellow Reault 12 in my pocket, the world was our oyster!
Saturday nights in those days would begin early, as pubs were legally-obliged to close at a certain hour, usually ten-thirty p.m., maybe eleven.
Ten or fifteen minutes before the offical closing time, the bar staff would call out “Last orders, please, ladies and gentlemen!”
There’d be a general rush to get in one more round, after which the bar would close.
Then there would be a short period known as ‘drinking-up time’, glasses would be collected, and we’d all weave our separate ways home to bed.
Oh happy days!
Anyway, to the point: today’s the final day of our Easter Sale.
The coupon code (see below), with which you can save 20% on online Italian lessons and ebooks, expires overnight, some time between Sunday and Monday.
Remember, then, to get your orders in, before the ‘bar closes’.
Easter Sale – Just 12 hours left!
Stock up today on online Italian lessons and/or ebooks for learning Italian to save 20%!
Copy and paste this coupon into the box in your shopping cart (where it says ‘Apply coupon’):
easter offer 2017
Italian lessons / ebooks can be bought in EUROS from, with payment through Paypal, here:
Or from in British pounds, with payment through Paypal, Amazon or bank transfer (if you have a UK bank account) here:
If you’re unsure what to do, check out the ‘how to use the coupon code’ page.
The explanations, pictures and links are for the club shop, but the process is identical in the new shop.
(Note that, once you’ve applied the coupon code and pressed the button, you won’t see the actual item cost change – you need to scroll down the page to see that your order total has been discounted.)
- Coupon code easter offer 2017 gets you a 20% discount on lessons and ebooks
- It’s valid through 23/04/17
- There’s no min. or max. spend
- It can be used multiple times until the end of the offer on 23rd April 2017
- It applies to items on sale too (but cannot be used with other coupons you may have)