It’s the last day of school here in Bologna, so my kids dragged themselves out of bed with a little more enthusiasm than usual.
If you work, it might also be your last day in the office before the winter break.
But that does mean there’s a danger that things may drag.
Plus there’s a risk of anti-climax when you do finally clock off.
There’s the worry that the sensation of FINALLY having reached the Christmas / New Year break won’t be such a huge relief as you’d imagined.
I’ve always found that on the last day of whatever, the trick is to distract yourself.
So here we are today to help with precisely that: read on for lots of interesting stuff to click on!
Two new articles to read
First off, I’ve got links to two articles published this week on our Italian school’s website:
Over at Madrelingua, we’re in the final throes of our ‘best offer of the year’, hence all the articles.
There are just 48 hours left to save 20% on 2016 group Italian courses in Bologna!
All you have to do to get a fifth off your next Italian course is to pay a small deposit by midnight on Christmas Day.
Think about it. I’ll remind you on Friday…
The latest ‘Italian Conversation’
And here’s no. 34 in our Italian Conversations series.
Today we’re at the edicola (newsagents) buying a daily paper, our weekly puzzle magazine, and a comic book for the kid!
Listen here: Shopping, Edicola
Or view the whole series on our Italian Conversations homepage.
The ‘January Sale’ is coming!
‘January Sale’ time is approaching, which means a generous discount on online Italian lessons and ebooks in our online shop.
Online lesson clients will be able to stock up on lesson credits at a great discount! We suggest you buy enough to keep you going until the next sale (which won’t be until June or July.)
E-book fans will also be happy, as they’ll have their pick of anything in our shop, at a great discount! It’ll be a fantastic opportunity to stock up on enough study material to keep you going well into 2016!
The sale starts on Monday 28th (just in time for those of you who have to go back to work…)
You’ll be sent a coupon code on Monday!
So, if you still have time to kill today, why not visit our shop and make a wish list?