Finally, it’s ‘dicembre’!
That would explain why I’ve woken up in a good mood.
‘Arrivederci novembre’, but not too soon I hope.
Man, I hate that month.
Also, I have an online Swedish lesson this morning at 10.00.
It’s a rare moment of the week in which I’m the taught not the teacher (at least, I hope so…)
So something to look forward to.
Must get on, then.
Now, here’s a question for you.
What am I looking at, like RIGHT NOW?
It’s ‘rettangolare’ and ‘fatto di metallo e plastica’.
It doesn’t weigh much, so quite ‘leggero’ in fact. That’s because it’s ‘spesso’.
And it’s really ‘utile’ and ‘pratico’.
So much so that when I’m not teaching or cooking, I’m using it all the time!
Guessed it?
If not, the answer is at the bottom of this article.
Anyway, that was by way of introduction to today’s refurbished page from the club’s Vocabulary Section.
I’m working through the list, rewriting where necessary, checking the links, and generally tidying up.
Today we’re at ‘D’ for ‘Descrivere oggetti‘.
You get a list of useful words for describing things and an exercise to test what you know.
Incidentally, the link to the exercise in this one was broken, and had been since 2013.
Which means that, however long you’ve been a member of our club, I’m pretty sure you won’t already have done it!
For the more conventional amongst you, click here first, to ‘learn’ the words.
Then click here to do the exercise.
Or, if you’re a bit of a Bastian contrario, as I am, you might want to do it the other way around.
That is to say, exercise first, then list of words afterwards.
Up to you really.
I’ll have more from the Vocabulary section on Monday, including perhaps a new ebook, but only IF I have time over the weekend to get it sorted out…
In the mean time, if you’re looking for other free materials to study, go to the club site ‘Levels‘ page and follow the instructions.
Or if you have some ‘learn Italian’ funds, burning a hole in your pocket, head over to our new online shop, where you’ll find masses of materials.
Ebooks are organised by level, from the easiest on page 1 to the hardest on page whatever.
Clicking on the cover image of the book will get you a full description of what it is, and a link to a FREE SAMPLE CHAPTER.
You should be able to read/listen to the samples on more or less any device – computer, tablet, phone etc.
And there are eighty or so .pdf ebooks, so that means eighty or so free sample chapters to read, most with audio, too.
That should keep you busy for a bit!
A lunedì.
il mio PC portatile