Here are some Italian words for describing objects.
They’re divided into categories (which is a good way of organising new words you learn…) ‘materials’, ‘shapes’ and ‘other caracteristics’.
At the end of the page there’s a link to an exercise, so you can test what you’ve learnt!
I MATERIALI [materials]
il metallo [metal]
il ferro [iron]
la plastica [plastic]
il legno [wood]
il vetro [glass]
il velluto [velvet]
la carta [paper]
la ceramica [ceramic]
LE FORME [shapes]
triangolare [triangular]
rettangolare [rectangular]
quadrato [square]
ovale [oval]
rotondo [round]
regolare [regular]
irregolare [irregular]
ALTRE CARATTERISTICHE [Other characteristics]
utile [useful]
inutile [useless]
pratico [practical]
indispensabile [indispensable]
sottile [thin]
spesso [thick]
leggero [light]
pesante [heavy]
What is the best way to learn new words? Use them in context.
So try this exercise!