Thanks to everyone who responded to my call for examples of how prepositions are used differently in English and Italian.
As promised, I’ve drawn up a checklist based on your suggestions. Scroll down to see it.
It’s organised preposition by preposition, assuming you’ll be mentally translating from English into Italian..
P.S. This is not in any way “finished”, so if you have any more ideas, leave a comment on this post and I’ll add them to a “second draft”….
Italian Prepositions: Differences English/Italian
I live in Bologna – abito a Bologna
in the paper – sul giornale
the kindest man in the world – l’uomo più gentile del mondo
I am leaving in a week – parto fra una settimana
seven in the morning – sette della mattina
I saw her on the street – l’ho vista per la stradaFOR
thanks for everything – grazie di tutto
for (since) two months – da sei mesiAT
I’m not good at maths – non sono bravo in matematicaON
on foot – a piedi
first on the right – la prima a destra
on the television – alla televisioneTO
I went to the doctor – sono andato dal dottore
I want to make love to you – Voglio fare l’ amore con te
go to the gym – andare in palestraBY
a film by Fellini – un film di Fellini
I go by bicycle – vado in bicicletta
by post – per posta
by land – per terraOF
there are three of us – siamo in tre
in front of – davanti aOVER
the bridge over the River Po – Il ponte sul fiume PoWITH
tea with lemon – te al limone
the woman with the dark eyes – la donna dagli occhi scuriNO PREPOSITION IN ENGLISH
opposite the museum – di fronte al museo
sun glasses – gli occhiali da sole
a wine glass – un bicchiere da vino
(N.B: a glass of wine – un bicchiere di vino)
a leather bag – una borsa di pelle
something interesting – qualcosa di interessante
something to drink – qualcosa da bere
100 kilometres an hour – 100 chilometri all’ ora
before leaving – prima di partire
it interests him – a lui interessa
the 30 euro menu – Il menu da 30 euroNO PREPOSITION IN ITALIAN
out of service – fuori servizio
Don’t forget to add any others that you can think of by leaving a comment on this article!!
John Thomson says
il tuo migliore ancora articolo
un piccol issimo errore
I saw her ON the street l’hp vista per la strada
John Thomson
Daniel says
For me “on the streets” means either homeless or prostitution… I’d translate “L’ho vista per la strada” as “I saw her in the street”.
There are plenty of discussions of this on the Internet, if you look up “on the street or in the street”.
But Google Translate (the devil) agrees with you.
John Thomson says
Ah ha
Noi dobbiamo chiederci “Daniel, perche lui faceva un google sulle donne delle strade ?”
Non dico niente di pui
Dot Read says
Grazie mille Daniel.
L’articolo è molto utile.
Dianne Perrin says
Grazie Daniel
I saw it ON the web
What do you use in this case ?
Daniel says
L’ho visto su internet, Dianne. No “the” and no capital “I”, though.
Dawn Thornton says
Grazie mille.
Susan Hand says
Great site. Grazie Mille. Some possible examples to add to the preposition list :
Ci e’ andato a piede. He went there on foot.
Sono in ufficio. I’m at the office.
Sono di Roma. I’m from Rome.
Emma ha divorziato da Marco. Emma got divorced from Mark.
Andiamo in vacanza d’ estate. We are going on vacation in summer.
Le piace guidare di notte. She likes driving at night.
Vado in bici / con la bici. I’m going by bike.
Arriva in Trento. He’s arriving by train.
Moriva di fame. She was dying from hungry.
Tremava Dallas paura. He was trembling with fear.
Tremava per il freddo. She was shivering with cold.
The lo disco da amico. I’m telling you as a friend.
Daniel says
A useful contribution! Thanks Susan.
Rae Kasdan says
Grazie, Daniel. Mi piace questa lists!