This morning, about now, I should be driving our rented car back up a motorway somewhere in the UK, returning from the family holiday in rather damp & windy Cornwall to our home in much-hotter Italy.
Hopefully this article will go out automatically. If you’re reading this, it worked!
Anyone emailing me today, please be aware that I’ll be temporarily away from a good Internet connection.
It may also take a little longer than usual to email out e-books purchased from our online shop. But not to worry! Delivery time of within 24 hours is guaranteed, or your money back!
Anyway, on with the show.
If you found Friday’s free Italian exercise useful, meet it’s non-identical twin:
Concordanza dei tempi verbali all’indicativo 2
This is another Italian tense exercise, though unlike the previous one it has a few examples of the futuro anteriore to watch out for, one of the few Italian tenses that seem to be exactly the same as their English equivalent…
Other than that, lots of imperfetto, which I always find relatively straightforward.
Click here to try today’s exercise.
Buono studio!
Did you notice the error in today’s exercise?? If so, no need to write to me about it as I’ve already put it on the ‘to fix’ list.
But if you find anything else wrong, anywhere on, do please let me know.
Just copy and paste the URL of the page with the problem and email it to me with a brief description of the issue or error (which saves me masses of time!)
Mail me at the email you’ll find at the bottom of every page on our site, or just reply to this e-mail!
David Orr says
I cannot access the test your level and click on next question to start the test and nothing happens?
Daniel says
Hi David,
Thanks so much for pointing that out. It’s now fixed. Do try again: