Many thanks to David Orr who commented on the last article:
I cannot access the test your level and click on next question to start the test and nothing happens?
We’ve been working on optimising our exercises for search engines (so people can find things when they look for them.)
Turns out that our Italian level test got broken in the process. Thanks to David, it’s now working again.
If you’d like to give it a try, click here.
Congiuntivo after adverbs and conjunctions
The last four free Italian exercises to be published at this level are all on the congiuntivo, which is my bête noire so I picked one almost at random…
However, it turns out to be on something I had never come across before.
According to the exercise, after certain adverbs and conjunctions, we need to use the congiuntivo.
Even if, like me, you find the congiuntivo an unnecessary complication, take a look at the sentences in today’s free exercise and pick out the adverbs/conjunctions.
These are words/phrases which are often very useful in their own right and will help you improve your reading and listening, and eventually your written and spoken Italian.
And if you can remember to use the congiuntivo afterwards, so much the better!
Try today’s free Italian exercise
The ‘Book of the Day’ is back!
As I’m no longer getting rained on on a British motorway, but safely back at home in Bologna, today we can have another flash ‘Book of the Day’ offer!
The idea is to highlight some of our earlier Italian easy readers, which you may have missed when originally published, with short-lived but generous special offers!
We’ve began with the romance ‘Il campo di papaveri‘, then a detective story ‘Un furto ad arte‘, and back to romance for ‘Il giocoliere‘.
If you bought any of those, please remember to visit our online shop and leave a review, whether positive or negative, to guide other club members.
Today I’ve picked a lower-level reader ‘La crisi di mezz’ età‘.
By lower-level, obviously I mean that there is less grammatical and lexical complexity.
But also that the chapters are shorter, and so more manageable. The idea is that, even if you are just starting out with Italian, you’ll be able to listen to / read this story all the way through at one sitting if you want to.
Use this link to view the sample chapter (right click and choose ‘save linked content as’ to download the .pdf).
Then get the full version of ‘La crisi di mezz’ età‘ for just €4.99, instead of the usual price of €9.99, from our online shop.
A venerdì!