Sorry, couldn’t resist trying out my street slang in that title.
Guess I’ve been watching too much Netflix…
Anway, today we have some more ‘bits and pieces’ exercises that still need to be integrated with our Italian Lessons series.
I’m tidying them up, grouping them, trying to figure out where they will eventually end up on our site.
So what have I found for you this time?
This first exercise tests the use of relative pronouns ‘che’, ‘chi’ and ‘cui’, which is always tricky.
I’m proud to say I got all nine of them right at my first attempt, but don’t feel bad if you don’t do as well.
I’ve been reading Italian for nearly twenty years, which helps a lot.
Relative Pronouns – Gapfill Exercise
How did you get on?
If not too well, take a look at Lesson 32 on ‘Che’ and ‘Chi’ and Lesson 50 on ‘Che’ and ‘Cui’.
The next exercise is probably only of interest to ‘grammar fiends’.
It asks you to read (and presumably understand) the sentences, then decide if the word ‘che’ is used as a relative pronoun or as a conjunction…
Uses of ‘Che’ – Dropdown Exercise
Did that make you yawn?
Not to worry – this week’s ‘Book Of The Week’ is very exciting!
The ‘Book Of The Week’ is a half-price offer on an Italian easy-reader e-book which we published a while back and which you may not, therefore, have seen.
This week it’s ‘Cereo 12‘.
And it’s not just exciting because of the low price, but also because of the gripping story!
Captain Vidoni is just back from his most recent space mission, but HQ needs him for an exciting new one: a small planet, Cereo 12, has been showing unusual electromagnetic activity… Can Vidoni – helped by his young assistant Caldier – solve the mystery?
The level is more-or-less intermediate (B1/B2),
Before buying, take a look at the FREE Sample Chapter (.pdf) to see if the material is right for you.
For just €4.99 you could:
- feel more confident reading Italian
- build your listening skills
- consolidate your knowledge of Italian grammar
- learn new words!
The offer ends on Sunday, but why wait?
Buy Cereo 12 | Browse E-Books | One-To-One Italian Lessons
N.B. I’m off on my holidays today, so there’ll be a period of around 10 hours when I won’t be answering your emails promptly or sending out e-books immediately I receive the orders.
Be patient – as soon as I’m back within range of a WiFi hotspot, around early evening UK time, things will get back to usual!