Today’s free Italian exercise is on ‘Connettivi e congiunzioni subordinanti‘. When I had a look at it just now, it reminded me of the time in 2003 when I’d decided to quit teaching and get a proper job, maybe in an Italian company, or better still a multinational, where it wouldn’t matter if my Italian […]
Some Italian to shout at your teenager
One of the questions in today’s free Italian exercise contains the phrase: “La vostra camera è un casino!” which is the sort of thing I often find myself shouting at one or other of my three teenagers. But if you’re picturing their bedrooms as being equipped with, say, a personal roulette table or slot machines with […]
Finché o affinché? Plus new Italian easy reader offer
Today we start the final ten exercises in our free Italian exercises series. They’re at C2 (proficiency) level, the most advanced material! As many readers will find this material challenging, I’ve picked out an easy one to begin with. The exercise tests your understanding of the difference between ‘finché’ and ‘affinché’, two words which are […]
Free Italian exercise on ‘verbi pronominali’
Today’s free Italian exercise is on verbi pronominali. It’s a follow up to one we published recently so you can see if you’ve improved (I’m afraid I haven’t.) There are links to explanations of this grammar area, and older exercises, under ‘V’ (for ‘verbi’) in our alphabetical Grammar Index. Try today’s exercise Coming on Monday… Over […]
Online lessons offer ends today (& why you should try one!)
This is the FINAL day of our online Italian lessons promotion. So there was me, scratching around for a subject line that would be more original than ‘Online lessons offer ends today’. I considered ‘Buy now or forever hold your peace‘, but then put it aside because it didn’t seem like such a great idea. […]
Made a complete mess of this one (and now I know why!)
Today’s grammar exercise is on ‘si spersonalizzante’, which I guess you could translate as something like “de-personalizing ‘si’”. You can try it here. While I know what it means, and even how to spell it, I admit I made a complete mess of this one. Just seven out of twelve at first try, little better […]
Prepositions exercise + last days of online lessons offer!
Today I have another free Italian grammar exercise for you – more practice on prepositions, which is always useful! As usual, there are twelve sentences to complete with the correct preposition. If you already have a good level in Italian, you could think of it as a diagnostic test to help you spot any gaps […]
Online lessons FAQ (& pronomi e aggettivi indefiniti)
If you’re not familiar with the acronym FAQ, it stands for ‘Frequently Asked Questions’. Italians use it too (they pronounce it ‘fak’…) So today, given our current offer on online Italian lessons, we’ll start with some of the things people always ask me. After that, I’ll be reminding you of how to get started with […]
You learn something new every day – if you let yourself!
Today’s Italian grammar exercise is on ‘modi indefiniti‘. If you’re thinking ‘what are they?’, be aware that everyone else reading probably is too. Curious, I Googled the term and found an explanation on Italian Wikipedia. If you’re not (yet) confident about reading Italian, here’s a rough translation: The ‘modo indefinito’ is a form of the verb […]
Nice & easy exercise + Online Italian Lesson Promotion
Today we have a nice & easy Italian exercise on ‘Il participio passato’, plus the start of the promised promotion on online Italian lessons. What first? Well, the offer, of course! Here’s a discount code which’ll get you 20% off the price of 1, 5, 10 or more lessons with one of our team of […]