Several people have written to me because they are a little worried about their ability to hold their own in our new online Italian conversation classes, which start next week.
Some are concerned because they’ve never done anything similar before: speaking a foreign language, with strangers, over the Internet!
Others admit to having a good knowledge of Italian, and have maybe already taken individual lessons with our online teachers, but are anxious anyway…
Even teachers get nervous
Especially teachers.
And the first lesson can be a nerve-wracking moment!
They have a lot more at stake than you do: if there are participants with differing ‘levels’ (or attitudes), it’ll be the teacher’s job to manage the conversation in such a way that everyone can contribute and no one feels left out or embarrassed.
Good teachers have the skills to deal with whatever problems arise. It’s their job.
But they worry anyway. Which is fine with me, because that way I know they’ll do their best for our clients.
First day nerves
In twenty years of language teaching I’ve faced hundreds of new classes, maybe thousands.
They’re mostly made up of people who don’t yet know each other, find themselves in a completely new situation, and are worrying they’ve made a bad decision.
The class might be too hard…
Or too easy!
You might have plugged your microphone into the earphone socket by mistake.
Or maybe you don’t even HAVE a microphone!
How can you make conversation without a microphone?
It’s going to be a total waste of time.
And money.
You’ll feel stupid.
(And don’t you just HATE getting ripped off by seductive or dishonest marketeers?)
Perspective, people, perspective
Calma, as Italians would say.
What’s the worst that could happen?
You’ve done things like this before. Presumably you survived the first day of elementary school.
Normally within an half hour or so, the shyness evaporates, the mood lightens, and you’ll start to relax and enjoy the lesson.
Time will fly.
And by the end of the class you might have made some new friends.
(But if you really HAVE made a terrible mistake, just e-mail me. I can refund your payment. It’ll help me sleep at night.)
Do me a favour?
Would you take a look at a website that an Italian friend of mine has just launched?
It’s got a great design, and has loads of reassuring articles for anxious, stressed people (in English.)
And interesting stuff too for people who are NOT anxious or stressed.
My friend’s name is Federico. His site is called
He’s not selling anything, so go take a look (it’s Friday, what else do you have to do?)
Click on a few of the pictures on his home page to discover a wealth of wisdom (and find out why the site has such a weird name.)
Feeling better?
When you’ve done calming down, don’t forget to come back here and sign up for one of the new online Italian conversation classes.
Places are limited and it’s going to be so great!
So why miss out?
- Tuesday Italian conversation class, 21.00 Italian time, starting 11th March (4 places left)
- Wednesday Italian conversation class, 14.00 Italian time, starting 12th March (1 place left)
P.S. Coming Soon!
I’ve hired a wonderful Italian teacher who’s writing masses of listening practice exercises at different levels for this site.
She’s just delivered eight great texts for A1/Elementary level, which I’m hoping to get recorded and put up for you to practice with over the next few days. Watch this space.
Emily says
These articles are always so helpful. It seems to be that everything that’s on my mind gets answered!! I’m actually starting at a Pisa language school on Monday which I seem to be more excited about than nervous..maybe because everyone is on the same level?
The thought of the online conversation classes I still feel nervous about. I think it’s because I am a beginner and afraid I won’t be able to contribute much? Oh and I don’t know if I have a microphone haha. Well hopefully after my 4 weeks at school I can have a chat with some of you guys even if it’s just typing in Italian in these discussions.
Daniel says
Best of luck with your Italian course, Emily. Hope it works out well, otherwise I’ll feel responsible!
And yes, after you’ve done a ‘proper’ course, you’ll fit right in with one of our conversation groups.
Don’t forget to tell the other students about this site, will you??
John Thomson says
Paolo mi è piaciuto molto la lezione di conversazione, che mi sta aiutando molto
ci riesci molto bene e fare andare tutto bene
Non vedo l’ora il fino alla settimana prossima
P.S. Ho visitato il sito che Daniel ha raccomandato “” e scritto in inglese e e molto ispiratore raccomando a tutti
July Rice says
Era una lezione molto buona. Forze, prossima volta noi possiamo parlare di un argomento specifico come oggi, quando parlavamo da film e TV. Peccato che non abbiamo conosciuto prima íl argomento perché non eravamo preparati con vocabolario. Grazie moltissimo. July
John Thomson says
Hi Daniel
Just to prove to you that I am still in the throes of studying the Italian language whilst teaching myself about web sites
I now know that ‘calmatevi’ is an informal imperative addressed to more than one person, hence the pronoun ‘vi’ is hooked onto the end of the imperative ‘calmate’
Having said all that I am still near the bottom of the class in Italian conversation but I know that the online group conversations will help me a lot
I hope everyone has a good weekend
I will check out your friend’s web site
John T
Daniel says
Hi John,
Buon fine settimana anche a te!
John Thomson says
Ciao a tutti
Giovedi, nostra figlia e suo marito, visitano Venezia per quattro giorni, la prima volta.
Sono sicuro che abbiano un buon tempo
Jennifer ed io paghiamo per una gita in una gondola, quante costa verso oggi?
qualcuno puo consigliarli cio che loro devono vedere?
buon fine settimana a tutti
John T
Paolo Copparoni says
Ciao John, purtroppo non conosco molto bene Venezia, ma ho chiesto ad alcuni amici e sembra che un giro in gondola costi di base 80 euro circa..per le cose da vedere, secondo me Venezia è cosi bella e unica nel suo genere che anche solo camminare per le sue strade è molto affascinante.
In particolare consiglierei il Ponte di Rialto, Piazza San Marco, il Ponte dei Sospiri, la Galleria dell’Accademia e il Ghetto veneziano.
Spero di esserti stato utile!!!
A presto
PS: So che ci sono ancora alcuni posti liberi per i nostri gruppi di conversazione, siete tutti invitati a partecipare!! Iscrivetevi presto!!!
July Rice says
Hello. I have not received a confirmation of my place in tomorrow, Tuesday’s conversation class. I believe I might have been one of the first to sign-up – but I have not heard word one!
Ruth stephens says
I’m sure Paolo will be there waiting for you July, as will John and whoever else is signed up. Wish I could be there with you but will look forward to feedback. No doubt Paolo will explain the lack of communication on Daniel’s part.
July Rice says
Hello Ruth. I know you would like to have some feedback from Tuesday’s lesson. We missed your company. You would have fit in so well. Maybe, next time? Donald, Sue and John were there. And finally, all our cameras and microphones worked!
We (5) spoke for about one hour, exchanging ideas about favorite TV shows, videos and films. Paulo chose vocabulary and grammar expressioms with which we had had problems during our conversation, and then sent the list to us via an e mail message.
Again, be well soon, Daniel
Ruth Stephens says
Hello July
Glad to hear the session went well yesterday and all the cameras worked at last! It makes all the difference when you can see each other. Thank you for your kind words; I’m sure I would have enjoyed what must have been a lively conversation with both you and John involved.
I wasn’t able to commit myself to the package of 5 sessions as I’m going away (to Italy) in a couple of weeks. Maybe I’ll sign up when i come back, though you’ll all be way ahead of me by then! Anyway, I hope your positive feedback will make others want to give it a try.
July Rice says
Ciao Ruth. Buon viaggio in Italia. Ci sentiamo quando tu torni. A presto. July
Daniel says
Hi July,
Sorry, I’m in hospital at the moment. It’s doing wonder for my Italian, by the way.
Paolo should be on the job for tomorrow’s lesson, and the one today. You’d should get the link you need to join the class. If not, please contact us at
Enjoy the class.
And apologies, of course!
Paolo Copparoni says
Ciao a tutti!!
si, purtroppo Daniel ha avuto un problema di salute e si trova in ospedale al momento..
Non vi preoccupate, fra poco programmerò le lezioni di conversazione di stasera alle 21 e domani alle 14 e tutti avrete i vostri link di conferma per accedere alle conversazioni!!
A prestissimo e scusate!!
July Rice says
Be well soon, Daniel!
John Thomson says
Ciao Paolo
Come tutti voi, auguro Daniel una pronta guarigione.
Grazie per l’informazione Paolo, ho detto Jaquie, nostra figlia
Jennifer ed io abbiamo pagato per il loro viaggio in gondola, seguita da una cena romantica
stiamo all’albergo il violino d’oro, che romantico !
Ho prenotato un posto sulla sessione di conversazione mercoledi.
a mercoledi
July Rice says
Buon giorno Jo, Donald, John e Paulo. Do you think we should decide on a subject for discussion at the next on line meeting? Would it help our fluency by being prepared with some vocabulary in advance, or do you think we should just “wing it?” A presto! July
Daniel says
Hi July,
I ‘spoke’ to Paolo about this yesterday and suggested he try your suggestion to see what happens. Hopefully he’ll be writing to you today or at the latest tomorrow.
Sorry things have been quite around here. I’m still in hospital (it’s now 11 days and I’m going crazy!)
Things should be back to normal in a week or so, I hope.
By the way, getting admitted to hospital in Italy is a great way to improve your Italian!
Anyone here know the expression “andare al corpo”?
It’s an essential expression for conversations with Italian nurses…
July Rice says
Hello Daniel. Good to hear from you. In the UK hospitals, nurses would probably ask, “Do you need to go, love?” Anyway, it’s always better to “go” rathër than not to be able to “go!” None of this would translate into Italian, I think. Be well soon. A presto! July
John Thomson says
fourth attemt
John Thomson says
I got through on my fourth attempt
Maybe it is because we have just moved to BT fibre optic so I am using my old e-mail address
Anyway to reply to your post
I really really enjoyed our group conversation
winging it is good but I am sure talking about a specific topic would also be good
May I suggest, a bit like Daniel that we wing it again this Wednesday and maybe somebody ,possibly you, suggest a topic for the next week, I know you are a bit fed up with cooking and TVOO as the Italians say
I found Paolo’s brief sojourn into prepositions to be very helpful
If you don’t get this I give up
fondest regards
July Rice says
John – Hello out there! I got it (you?) – all the way here in backwater Brandizzo! Computers can be so frustrating. We just want them to work – end of! I liked the prepositions review as well. I don’t want to suggest something as mundane as, say, gardening as a subject. Cooking, would be good – recipes, food in general, restaurants.. What do you say Jo and Donald? So comforting to hear from you John. I was beginning to think I was the only one left. A presto. July
Paolo Copparoni says
Ciao a tutti!!!
come ho scritto nell’email che vi ho mandato, la mia era solo una proposta quindi se avete altri suggerimenti su possibili argomenti di conversazione, io sono molto felice di parlare con voi di quello che volete!! Non esitate quindi a fare proposte..July io sono un appassionato di cibo e cucina, quindi sarei molto felice di parlare di ricette e cibo in generale!! che ne pensano gli altri?? a mercoledi!!!
John Thomson8 says
July non ti preoccupi. non sei da solo tu. Sono qui anche Paolo, Jo e Donald
Mercoledi, ci parliamo di cibo, il cibo italiano non solo e semplicemente delizioso ma anche deliciziosamente semplice. Ricorda non me ne frega le errori
A mercoledi
tanti auguri da Jennifer Sam ed io